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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 4 October 2020



Thank you to those who came to worship on Sunday and to those who reserved their seat for Wednesday.

A reminder that you must reserve your seat before Thursday 12noon for Sunday worship and before Tuesday 12noon for Wednesday worship.

You can reserve a seat via the website

Or by calling the parish office and leaving your name, number of worshippers and contact details.

Christmas Shopping? Support PWRDF

Less than 3 months to Christmas.  Instead of a gift from Amazon, think about gifting from the PWRDF World of Gift catalogue. Note that the catalogue is now up on the  PWRDF website at

You don't need to wait until Black Friday shopping it's available 24/7.


Attached to this email you will find a flyer for the sale of our hand-made masks! Please share this flyer any way you can. It is also on our Facebook page- please share it on social media if you can. Our aim is to sell over 1000 masks as a fundraiser for our church. Masks will be available for collection outside the church building on Sundays and Wednesdays after service.  To make this fundraiser a success we need donations of 100% pre-washed cotton fabric and 1/8 or ¼ inch wide elastic. Please contact the parish office if you are able to contribute! 905-627-1424

Church Re-Opening Questionnaires

As we planned for the church’s re-opening on October 4th, the Corporation asked for the assistance of parishioners by completing a questionnaire; the focus areas of the questionnaire dealt with the following:

  • “connections” (and non-connections) during the COVID-19 pandemic;

  • Safety issues

  • Times and dates for services after re-opening

We would like to thank all of those who responded. The Corporation (and, subsequently, the Re-Opening Team) took the information and suggestions seriously and have implemented many of the ideas brought forward.  There are suggestions which have not been implemented as yet, but all ideas will be considered and implemented where appropriate.

We do have further to go! It will not seem “normal” until we can all sing our favourite hymns, enjoy both elements of the Eucharist … and share hugs during “the Peace”. However, for the moment, your commitment to St. James and your willingness to provide direction for re-opening have been much appreciated. Thank-you.


Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:


Compline will be live streamed on Wednesday evenings at 8pm on our Facebook page:


Sunday worship with Bishop Susan is on Sunday to 2pm in the afternoon. This coming week it is a special presentation for Thanksgiving with voices from around the Diocese. Please take time to join online!

You can find the Diocesan Facebook page here:


For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:                

Monday 5th Oct           Luke 10.25-37

Tuesday                        Luke 10.38-42

Wednesday                 Luke 11.1-4

Thursday                      Luke 11.5-13

Friday                           Luke 11.14-26

Saturday                      Luke 11.27-28

Sunday                         Matthew 22.1-14 (Thanksgiving)


Mike is planning to lead a ZOOM book study on ‘The Way of the Heart’ by Henri Nouwen on Wednesday evenings at 7pm before Compline starting on 28th October for 4 weeks. Please let Mike know if you wish to take part so he can send you the ZOOM coordinates. You can order your own copy of the book or reserve one in the parish office ($16) limited copies available.

ZOOM Coffee Hour

Our online coffee hour will continue through October at 10am on Wednesdays.

Join us this Thursday October 8th

Topic: Coffee Hour

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827

Passcode: 448066


Quiet time

Whispering God.

In this quiet time, draw close to me,

whisper in my ear and in my heart.

Prepare me for the day to come,

fill me with your peace.

Help me, amid the busy-ness, to be still and know that you are near.


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©2023 by St. James Anglican Dundas. 

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