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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 21 February 2021



This coming Sunday at 4pm on both YouTube and Facebook, join Mike and Richard for a special service ‘With A Song In My Heart’, inspired by our weekly video, we raise our voices in worship with a selection of songs inspired by scripture.


One way to do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly this Lent is to change our habits and practices to care for God’s creation. A resource called ‘A Fast for the Earth’ prepared by the Diocese of Toronto is recommended as a meaningful guide by our Environmental Justice Team and is available on our website or by clicking here:


From this Wednesday our weekly service of compline moves to 8.30pm remaining on Wednesday evenings, live via Facebook.


The Association of Dundas Churches will offer a weekly video reflection and time of prayer each Wednesday during Lent at 12noon on both Facebook and YouTube. While we won't be able to gather for our usual ‘lunches’ we hope you will join us at any time of the day from 12noon to join with all our churches on the journey of Lent together.


You may have seen our flyer for knitted Easter chicks, bunnies and baskets which are for sale. But we also need people willing to knit and donations of wool! If you can help in either way, please contact Anne Washington as soon as possible!


A question was raised during and following Vestry on February 14th regarding the motion concerning the actions of the Corporation for the previous year. The standard motion used by St. James in the past and by virtually all parishes in the Diocese reads as follows:

that those joint and several acts carried out in the name of and on behalf of Saint James Church, Dundas, by its Wardens, Priest-in-Charge and Rector during the year 2020 are hereby confirmed and ratified.

The motion was originally put forward by the two wardens. Two concerns were raised. The first related to whether or not the wardens could indeed make such a motion since it referred to themselves. The second, raised after Vestry, asked about the intent of the motion.

The matter was directed to the Executive Archdeacon of the Diocese and the response is as follows:

“Such motions serve as an accountability mechanism in our system of governance. Basically, the corporation should provide a report to the vestry of its actions (much like synod council provides to synod each year). Then it is right and proper for the wardens to propose a motion for vestry to confirm and ratify the actions of the corporation which were undertaken on its behalf. The motion, of course, is meaningless unless there is a transparent report provided to the vestry.

The specific actions are not debatable per se but members of the vestry may choose not to vote in favour of the motion should they feel that a particular action taken was not appropriate or authorized, and thus there is an opportunity to hold the corporation to account”

Hopefully, this explains both the intent of the motion and the ability of the wardens to make such a motion.


Join us on Thursday morning at 10am for our weekly ‘coffee hour’ – a chance to share time and fellowship with one another.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827

Passcode: 448066


For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:

Monday 22nd Feb Matthew 25.31-46

Tuesday Matthew 6.7-15

Wednesday Luke 11.29-32

Thursday Matthew 7.7-12

Friday Matthew 5.20-26

Saturday Matthew 5.43-48

Sunday Mark 8.31-38


A Prayer at Night’s Fall

Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen.

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