There is a small group meeting via ZOOM to help us fundraise for our church in these new and challenging times. They have already raised over $2250 through the sales of masks. There are other plans in the works but we need your help, here’s what you can do…. Please have a fall clear out at home and
Donate unwanted books and DVDs. While we are collecting all for a future sale, we are especially interested in first editions, folio editions, rare and or collectable books: Fiction, literature, poetry, non-fiction, biographies, political, first edition, limited printing. We’ve already made $450 through the sale of collectable books. These can be dropped off at the parking lot door to the church on Sundays, Mondays or Wednesdays.
Donate appropriate items that might be offered in a silent auction. This might an item of interest or value, or a gift of time or talents such as an offer of baking or snow clearance. Please contact Lynn Dykeman if you have something to offer!
We still need donations of material for our mask making- 100% cotton, plain or patterned as well as quarter-inch elastic.
Please share the MASK sales flyer on Social media, or physically in your local space.
THANK YOU for all your generosity! Keep Saturday 5th December free in your schedule for our first ‘Phone’ Auction 1pm-4pm! Details coming soon.
SUNDAY and WEDNESDAY SERVICES Please remember to reserve your seats for Sundays by 12noon on Thursday.
Please remember to reserve your seat for Wednesday by 12noon on Tuesday.
Seats can be reserved by visiting our website or by calling the parish office. Please remember to leave your contact details and the number of people attending.
Any articles for the next edition of our Parish Newsletter should be sent to Peter Davison by 1st November 2020.
ALL SOULS NOVEMBER 1st 2020, 4:30pm
There will be a special service on 1st November 2020 at 4.30pm for the Feast of All Souls, a time of gentle prayer and remembrance of those we have loved and who have died. If you would like to reserve a seat at this service please book through our website or by calling the parish office. Please remember to send to the parish office, the name of a loved one you would like remembered during the service, in advance of the date.
Mike is planning to lead a ZOOM book study on ‘The Way of the Heart’ by Henri Nouwen on Wednesday evenings at 7pm before Compline starting on 28th October for 4 weeks. Please let Mike know if you wish to take part so he can send you the ZOOM coordinates. You can order your own copy of the book or reserve one in the parish office ($16) limited copies available.
Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud: https://soundcloud.com/saint-james-455444660/11th-october-2020
For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 12th Oct Luke 17.11-19
Tuesday Luke 11.37-41
Wednesday Luke 11.42-46
Thursday John 14.1-11 (Feast of St Teresa of Avila)
Friday Luke 12.1-7
Saturday John 12.23-26 (Feast of Saint Ignatius of Antioch)
Sunday Matthew 22.15-22
ZOOM Coffee Hour
One of the things that people mentioned in the questionnaires which were submitted regarding the church re-opening was the fact that they missed the “social” aspects of the parish - meeting others over coffee ... and even in the parking lot for chats!
Unfortunately, neither of these options are currently available. However, you can meet in a very casual atmosphere in the THURSDAY morning coffee hour from 10 - 11 a.m. on ZOOM. You are most welcome to join this group which is ever-evolving, flowing and always relaxing and fun. Serious topics may come up ... but much of the time is spent “checking in” and keeping in touch during these difficult times.
Join us this Thursday 15th
Topic: Coffee Hour
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827
Passcode: 448066
Christmas Shopping? Support PWRDF
Less than 3 months to Christmas. Instead of a gift from Amazon, think about gifting from the PWRDF World of Gift catalogue. Note that the catalogue is now up on the PWRDF website at http://pwrdf.org/worldofgifts
You dont need to wait until Black Friday shopping it's available 24/7.
Morning Canticle
Christ, as a light illumine and guide me. Christ, as a shield overshadow me. Christ under me; Christ over me; Christ beside me on my left and my right.
This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all-powerful. Be in the heart of each to whom I speak; in the mouth of each who speaks unto me. This day be within and without me, lowly and meek, yet all-powerful. Christ as a light; Christ as a shield; Christ beside me on my left and my right.
From the Northumbria Community
You can find out more about upcoming events at
Saint James on our website: www.stjamesdundas.ca