Dear Friends,
As we head into the Holy Triduum, we observe this most sacred time of the Christian year from our own homes, and so we need to find our own ways to be intentional about our own prayer lives and engaging with the story of our faith.
The readings for these days can be found here:
Thursday: John Chapter 13 and Matthew Chapter 26
Friday: Matthew chapter 27
Sunday: Matthew Chapter 28
You can follow the story of Holy Week on our Facebook page:
Or on our Youtube channel:
Please join us Thursday evening on the Diocesan Facebook page at 7pm for our Maundy Thursday Service:
And tomorrow morning at 9am for a special Good Friday video service on Youtube and Facebook from our Diocese.
On Easter Sunday, go to the Diocesan Facebook at 10am for a special service with Bishop Susan and the Primate of all Canada, Archbishop Linda Nicolls.
A new podcast will also go live on Easter Morning and you can access it via our website, where you can also access the Parish Easter letter and recent news:
As we live in difficult days filled with stories of threat and death, the Easter Story becomes particularly poignant; more so, because perhaps it can help us understand what Resurrection might mean when the stones are rolled away, the threat of death overcome and we are able to be reunited in ‘life’ on the other side of this time.
I wish you a blessed and holy triduum where you are able to enter more fully into the story of our faith and the living reality of the Risen Jesus.
Pax et Bonum,