Amber Stage Reopening
Last week the Diocese released a document along side a letter from our Bishop that details the steps necessary for churches to begin a gradual and safe reopening for in-person worship this fall. There is a significant to do list (8 pages). The document has been reviewed by the Corporation and will be reviewed by Parish Council this week. A small team is to be established to oversee the many plans and issues that will need to be resolved. We are reminded that we are still in the midst of a pandemic and that plans may change with public health indicators.
Among other things the document highlights things we should expect as we begin to return to church including: masks will be required to be worn during worship, Communion will be shared in one kind only (bread), no congregational singing will be permitted, the peace will not be shared, childcare and children’s programming wil not be permitted ; families must stay together during worship, some online worship will continue for those unable to attend in person worship, no social gatherings will be permitted and not food will be served or shared, new hygiene practices will be implemented throughout the building and physical distancing will be maintained.
At Saint James, we should be aware that service times will change and services will be shorter, we will need to confirm our attendance at church in advance as only limited numbers will permitted at any time and there will be a ‘one way system’ through the building. New office hours will be kept by staff and only staff and wardens will be permitted in the offices. The building will not be open outside of worship times. The parlour will not be in use for the foreseeable future and we will be assigned seating when we arrive. The planning team will circulate a video and other details once they are ironed out.
This means that church will feel very strange at first, as we get used to new practices and roles. But we will also have this opportunity to be together again in worship and to model the love and grace for one another by which the disciples of Jesus are to be known.
There will be lots more information to share in the coming weeks, but for this week, I invite you to look forward to our return, and to hold the planning team, corporation, staff and our whole church in prayer during this time of preparation and change.
Pax et Bonum,
Rev. Mike Deed (Rector)
Jim Heron R.I.P.
Sadly, we share the news that Jim Heron died on Friday 7th August 2020. We pray for Joyce and Terese and Shawn and Jess and all who knew and loved Jim. We give thanks for his life and know that he now rests in the eternal presence of God. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.
Sunday worship continues on the Diocesan Facebook page at 10am.
You can find the Diocesan Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/niagaraanglican
Cezanne, Monet, Emily Carr, Tom Thomson ... if you think you have that kind of ability ... wait ... even if you have only heard of these folk ... we can use your help! This summer, Don and Sue Wallace and Wayne Dickson (and others) have been keeping the “outward appearances” of our church building looking top notch. But we also have a few areas inside that need some special attention with a paintbrush. Nothing too strenuous ... just careful application of some nice paint for the “ramp area” and the newly decorated youth room.
If you can spare a few hours, Mark Mainprize would like your help. Please contact stjamesdundas@outlook.com Mark has been doing lots of “prep” work inside, but sure could use a few extra hands to get this work completed before (all going well) we open our building in the fall.
Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:
Compline continues to be live cast on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights via our Facebook page:
For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 10th August Matthew 17.22-27
Tuesday Luke 12.32-37 (Feast of Saint Clare of Assisi)
Wednesday Matthew 18.15-20
Thursday Matthew 18.21-19.1
Friday Matthew 19.3-12
Saturday Luke 1.46-55 (Feast of Saint Mary)
Sunday Matthew 15.10-28
Lord, May all that we do this day, from morning until night, begin with your inspiration, and continue with your powerful help. May our work this day be rooted in love and mercy, that we might love you, and love our neighbors, as perfectly as you love us. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen
By David Bennett