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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 27 September 2020



Next Sunday the 4th October we will hold our first ‘in-person’ service at church at 930am.

This service will be repeated on the following Wednesday 7th October at 11am.

If you have not yet done so please READ the ‘Back to Church’ briefing (available from the front page of our website).

Also please take a few minutes to WATCH this briefing video:

We are aware that cases of COVID-19 are currently increasing in Ontario. We have spent many weeks planning for our reopening and believe we have made this experience as safe as it can be. Please note that NO ONE should feel they have to attend worship in church. Please make decisions for your own health and well-being. As the pandemic situation continues to develop we will take leadership from our Bishops advised by Public health about adapting practice and, if we need to, closing again for a time.

As a reminder, please note:

  • Masks must be worn in the church building.

  • Self-screen BEFORE coming to church. Please don’t come if you feel even a little ill.

  • You will be screened at the door and your temperature will be taken.

  • You will need to wash or sanitize your hands on entry.

  • You will stay in your assigned seat at all times during worship.

  • You will be invited to leave row by row, by our greeter teams.

  • We ask people not to congregate in the parking lot.

The link to reserve a seat for in-person worship are now live on our website.

You can reserve a seat for Sunday worship via the website or by ‘phoning the parish office anytime before noon on Thursday.  If you are coming to worship on a Wednesday, you can reserve a seat via the website or by ‘phoning the parish office anytime before noon on a Tuesday.

Please remember, if you leave a message, we need the name and contact for each person coming to worship.


You will find information also on our Facebook page- please share it on social media if you can. Our aim is to sell over 1000 masks as a fundraiser for our church. Masks will be available for collection outside the church building on Sundays and Wednesdays after service.

To make this fundraiser a success we need donations of 100% pre-washed cotton fabric and 1/8 or ¼ inch wide elastic. Please contact the parish office at 905-627-1424 if you are able to contribute!


The 2021 church calendars are now available priced $5. You can reserve one by contacting the parish office.


Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:


This coming week Mike will offer the office of Compline (Night Prayer) Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8pm live on our Facebook page.  From next week, the first week of October, Compline will be live on our Facebook page every Wednesday at 8pm.


Sunday worship with Bishop Susan is on Sunday to 2pm in the afternoon. Please take time to watch!

You can find the Diocesan Facebook page here:


For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:                   

Monday 28th September      Luke 9.46-50

Tuesday                                   John 1.47-51 (Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels)

Wednesday                            Luke 24.44-48 (Feast of Saint Jerome)

Thursday                                 Luke 10.1-12

Friday                                      Luke 10.13-16

Saturday                                  Luke 10.17-24

Sunday                                    Matthew 11.35-30 (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi)

ZOOM Coffee Hour

Our online coffee hour will continue through September at 10am on Wednesdays.

Join us this Wednesday 30th


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 826 0575 7834

Passcode: 041856


A Prayer from Christian Aid for an end to conflict:

God of all the centuries, we long to see an end to the lines that divide: the lines that scar families, the lines that deface religions, the lines that embattle nations. May you, O God, who crossed the line between heaven and earth, work a miracle in the hearts of humans and in the destinies of all countries enduring war and division. Amen.

© Christian Aid 

You can find out more about upcoming events at

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