The famous reading from Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that there is a ‘time for everything and a time for every matter under heaven…’ and these times come and go without our bidding and so we are to learn patience and to wait upon God and to trust and to respond in the time we are given, not expecting to be in control of it all.
Time may be very much on our mind during these long weeks (and now months) of Pandemic and as we continue to physically distance the church year has ticked on- holy week and the whole Easter season is now passing, the Ascension was celebrated this past week and the great feast of Pentecost is coming this week, and we keep on, being the church, following our sacred story and seeking God in the time given to us now; looking to Jesus the risen and ascended, and waiting for the Spirit to lead us into whatever God has in store for us.
You remain in my prayers and I look forward to joining with you online for the Diocesan Pentecost service this coming Sunday at 10am and also the following Sunday, please join me to celebrate PRIDE as the Diocese launches its first online PRIDE service ‘Fiercely Loved’ at 3pm that day.
Pax et Bonum,
Each week our email blast will list daily readings for the week for those who want to take some time each day to reflect on the scriptures. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 25th John 16.29-33
Tuesday 26th Matthew 13.31-33 (Feast of Saint Augustine of Canterbury)
Wednesday 27th John 17.11-19
Thursday 28th John 17.20-26
Friday 29th John 21.15-19
Saturday 30th John 21.20-25
Have you got lots of questions about faith or church that you’d love to have some kind of answer to? What Christians believe? What some of our traditions or symbols mean? Why we do certain things in church? Mike would like to start a regular video where he can answer some of those questions- so please email them in. Don’t be embarrassed- if you’ve wondered it, so has someone else and frankly Mike might like to know too!
Next Sunday 31st May 2020 is the Feast of Pentecost, sometimes called the ‘Birthday of the Church’. It’s one of the major feasts of our faith and in our liturgical year, concludes the season of Easter. On Sunday morning at 10am there will be a special Diocesan video service from the Niagara Facebook page and YouTube channel.
And at 2pm there will be a special celebration brought together from across the Ecclesiastical province of Ontario- led by our Metropolitan, Archbishop Anne Germond and featuring contributions from all seven Diocese that make up our province (for those who want to know, that’s Huron, Niagara, Toronto, Ontario, Algoma, Moosonee and Ottawa. The service premieres on the new provincial YouTube channel and you can find a link to that and Archbishop Anne’s invitation here:
Each week, Mike produces a podcast- a 10-minute time of hearing the Gospel reading of the week, with a reflection. This week’s podcast is a Bible study on the readings of the Ascension and can be heard from the front page of our church website or via soundcloud, clicking the link below:
Do you have the ability to record yourself reading scripture or prayers on a webcam or phone camera and to get that file to Mike via a cloud? I’d love to be able to feature many voices in forthcoming videos and podcasts; please email Mike to let him know if you are able and willing to help.
We are currently discussing how we can make our community dinners a ‘drive through’ option starting in JUNE, to support the growing number of people experiencing food insecurity at this time. There will be strict protocols in place for this and kitchen volunteers will be limited and assigned times and tasks. We are working with the ADC to see if other churches are in a position to work with us on this model and we are being guided by our Diocese. Please contact Nora Clevenger if you are able to make a financial contribution towards the cost of offering these meals.
This Wednesday 20th May, 10am-11am we’ll host an online ‘Coffee Hour’. To take part in this you’ll need to sign into ZOOM which is a conferencing software. Go to http://zoom.com/ . You can click ‘Join a Meeting’ in the top right-hand corner and enter the meeting number and password, or simply click on the link below.
For those unused to using this software, a few notes;
· Only one person can speak at a time, so the host (Mike) will invite you to speak.
· It is considered polite to ‘mute’ your microphone when you are not speaking otherwise background noise from your home can confuse those listening.
· There are different ways to ‘view’ the meeting – by clicking ‘gallery view’ when you join the meeting you can see everyone present.
· It is very different to meeting in person so be prepared to be patient the first time you use this, and we get used to this way of meeting.
· If you have technical questions about using Zoom please contact Bob Morrow.
· PLEASE USE YOUR REAL NAME so we know who is joining each meeting.
Here are the details you need:
10am Wednesday 13th May 2020
To join Zoom Meeting, click here:
Meeting ID: 826 0575 7834
Password: 041856
Many of you have been asking how you can support people in crisis during the pandemic. It is natural, in a time like this, to seek out ways to engage in generosity. Thank you for asking.
To financially support individuals and families who need it most Bishop Susan Bell has set up the Diocese of Niagara Pandemic Response Fund. Your tax receipted donation to this Fund will ease hunger and support the most vulnerable, those isolated and immunocompromised, and those struggling financially due to layoffs and cutbacks. Your contribution will go to an outreach ministry of one of the many parishes and affiliated ministries the Diocese of Niagara that are providing free pre-made lunches or dinners or bags of groceries. The meals and groceries are offered for both pick-up and free delivery. Some parishes are doing this work on their own, while others have partnered with local community organizations, other churches, individual volunteers, and restaurants in their area.
Thank you for your generosity. It is because of your generosity we can see lives transformed in Christ. It is your gift that eases hunger and provides comfort to individuals and families through the outreach projects and ministries that several of our parishes are engaged in. Thank you in advance for your support.
To donate go to: https://niagaraanglican.ca/donate-pandemic