Dear Friends,
This coming week is the Feast of Saint James after whom our church is named. There are several ‘Saint James’s, but the one we remember is Saint James the Apostle; in the Gospels we find him named as the brother of John and the Son of Zebedee. James is one of the first disciples that Jesus calls and it will turn out, with his brother John and Saint Peter, one of Jesus’ inner circle of friends- they are the ones that Jesus takes with him to healings and places of prayer and to the mountain top to witness the transfiguration.
We also note that James and John are nicknamed by Jesus, ‘sons of thunder’. Some have suggested that the nick name was because of their terrible temper, which reminds us that Jesus calls us all, even the impatient of us, even on our tired or irritable days, to be his disciples and apostles. Perhaps the nickname is a nod to their parentage- maybe Mrs Zebedee was the Thunder!
Legend has it that James would go on a missionary journey to evangelise Spain, although there is no evidence for this. He was beheaded by Herod Agrippa (Acts 12.2). But as many of you will know it is said some of his remains rest at the Santiago de Compostela in Spain and he is the patron saint of that country. His head however is in the Armenian Apostolic Cathedral of Saint James in Jerusalem.
As we hold this feast day at a distance, I invite you to find a way of celebrating this week- perhaps in a special time of prayer, by lighting a candle for your church, by using the collect below in your daily prayers or at meals, and by reaching out with a phone call or card to someone else in your faith community and expressing your gratitude that we share the journey of faith together.
The Collect for the Feast of Saint James the Apostle
Merciful God,
whose holy apostle Saint James,
leaving his father and all that he had,
was obedient to the calling of your Son Jesus Christ
and followed him even to death:
help us, forsaking the false attractions of the world,
to be ready at all times to answer your call without delay;
through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord,
who is alive and reigns with you,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever. Amen.
For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 20th July Matthew 12.38-42
Tuesday Matthew 12.46-50
Wednesday John 20. 1-3 (feast of Saint Mary Magdalene)
Thursday Matthew 13.10-17
Friday Matthew 13.18-23
Saturday Matthew 13.31-33, 44-52 (8th of Pentecost)
Sunday Matthew 20.20-28 (For the Feast of Saint James)
Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:
Every Tuesday Richard Hansen and Mike will present ‘With a Song in my heart’ via video on our Facebook and YouTube channels- we’re now presenting songs that have meant a lot to members of our congregation- thanks to all who sent in their suggestions.
You can find our YouTube channel here:
Through the summer, Mike will live-stream Compline Tuesday-Thursday at 8pm on our Facebook page.
For those wishing to say Compline on their own on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday there is a specially created video for each night on our Facebook page and YouTube channel- which you can pause and mute to pray in your own time at your own pace:
You can find the Friday video here:
You can find the Saturday video here:
You can find the Sunday video here:
You can find the Monday video here:
This Wednesday 22nd July 2020 at 10am, join us for online ZOOM coffee hour.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 0575 7834
Password: 041856
All are welcome. If you have trouble setting up the technology, contact Robert Morrow for assistance!
Work has begun on the replacement of the floor in our worship space, so that when we get to re-enter our building we will do so with a clean, renewed space. Huge thanks to every person who is donating towards the cost of this floor. The flooring is just one of the many maintenance challenges our building poses and with thanks to a significant designated donation, we have taken this opportunity to deal with this challenge, understanding that we may not have the financial resources to undertake large projects for some time.
We understand that not everyone can make a donation at this time, and we are so grateful for the ongoing generousity of our congregation in this difficult time, but if you would like to do so, you can drop off an offering envelope or cheque at the church, or give via credit card through our website (remember to write in the memo line or note section that the donation is for the floor). Please also remember to write alongside your donation if you are giving it in memory of someone. You can view the wardens update on the flooring here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IArs4nGbW_s