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PARISH NEWS - 15 August 2023



SUNDAY, Aug 20, 2023 – 10:30 a.m. ***JOINT ADC SERVICE***

Please join the ADC at Highland Hills Faith Community on the front lawn - (formerly St. Mark’s United) located at the corner of Governor’s Rd & Lynndale Dr. Bring a lawn chair and water bottle! Refreshments and fellowship after the service.

Also on Sunday, Aug 20, 2023 – 1:00 p.m. **ZOOM Special Vestry** Zoom coordinates will be sent in a special e-blast at the end of the week.

WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 8.30 p.m. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.


Message from the St. James’ Holiday House Tour Committee Thank you so much to everyone who gave us suggestions for possible homes for this year's Holiday House Tour. We are happy to tell you that we are close to confirming some fabulous homes with many thanks to Jan S. l. Committee Members are already hard at work to make sure that the 47th St. James' Holiday House Tour is a great success!

We have something new for this year – committee members are looking for sponsors for the event. We are planning on a colourful printed program with advertisements for local businesses, a map, and photos and descriptions of the homes on the tour.

Do you know a Dundas business that may be interested in supporting the House Tour and advertising their business to over 700 ticket buyers? Please contact Gillian H. or Janet C. via the office



Indoor meals at St. James will take place every 4th and 5th Monday.

Doors open at 5:30. Dinner is served at 6pm.


Tuesday Evening Prayer All are welcome to come and pray in the sanctuary on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:00 pm. The gathering is informal, starting with a short scripture reading then silent or spoken prayers by all. Bring what's on your heart that needs prayer. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dundas Room Roof Replacement The flat roof over the Dundas Room has now been replaced with a NEW roof! The cost was approximately $32,000. So far $8,200 has been generously donated. YOU have the opportunity to help ensure St. James continues to be a safe and vibrant place for ministry and hospitality. Stay tuned for an art sale opportunity highlighting pieces by Wayne Allan!


September 15th - Save the date!!

Turkey Dinner Tickets available each Sunday after church or through the office. Tickets will also be available after the ADC Service on Sunday, August 20th


Five Oaks Women's Weekend.

September 22-24, 2023 Five Oaks Women's Weekend. Please contact Marline, Mary or Carleon

via the office or 905-627-1424


See order form on Home page

ORDER YOUR GIFT CARDS FROM ST. JAMES for all those everyday purchases. Everyone benefits! Next Order date: Sunday September 24th for pick-up on Sunday October 1st Order forms are attached – Drop off or email to the church office or give to Isabella Guthrie-McNaughton on Sunday. St. James has earned $1086.00 from Fundscrip sales. This year, all profits will support the accessible-door project. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________

ADC - Association of Dundas Churches Outdoor Service Sunday August 20, 2023 at 10:30am Highland Hills Faith Community – Front lawn Bring a lawn chair and water bottle! Fellowship, refreshments, and snacks provided after the service



Opening Retreat Sat Oct 21st 9am-4pm

Wednesday evenings Oct 25th to Nov 29th from 7-9pm in-person

Module 2 – Wednesday evenings, Jan – Mar via Zoom

Module 3 – Wednesday evenings, Apr – May in-person

Closing Retreat – date TBD

Revive will take you on an experiential journey of self-reflection, prayer, engaging conversation and spiritual formation that equips participants to become confident spiritual leaders.

Three modules of six sessions each make up Revive with an opening and closing retreat to bookend your experience. Module one - Communicating with God - delves into prayer. Module two - Engaging in Scripture - focuses on scripture meditation. Module three - Called for Ministry - digs deeper into discerning your spiritual gifts.

In order to participate in Revive all that is required is a desire for deeper intimacy with God and a desire to grow spiritually.


Returning This Fall

EfM (Education for Ministry)

Education for Ministry (EfM) was founded in 1975 to recognise that Christian ministry is not restricted to clergy, but is the vocation of all the baptised. EfM exists to provide laypeople with resources to help you carry out your ministry in all areas of your life. It offers small-group studies of the Bible, Church History, Ethics and Interfaith Relations, along with the practice of theological reflection. The St. James group meets from September to May on Monday evenings, via Zoom and with some in-person gatherings. There is also preparatory reading involved. Help with annual fees is available. Please speak to Peter Davison or Carleon Hardie for more information about this program, which many describe as transformative.

Both EfM and Revive have proven to be transformative for participants. And both welcome people who have questions about, and wish to explore, the Christian faith.


If anyone has LEGO building sets to donate to our newcomer children please be in touch with Diana S. via the office


Summer Office Hours The office at St. James will be closed on Fridays through the summer up to September 29th.



August 20 ADC Outdoor service at Highland Hills Faith Community

(10:30am) – Bring a lawn chair and water bottle!

August 20 Special Vestry via Zoom 1pm

August 31 Last day to order Mums

Sept 1 – Oct 4 Season of Creation

September 9 Pick up Mums - 10am to noon

September 15 Turkey Dinner

September 17 Bake Sale! after the 10:30 am Sunday Service

September 22-24 Women’s Weekend

September 30 Dundas Studio Tour

September 30 TRC (Truth & Reconciliation Day)

October 1 Sundae Sunday & Blessing of the Backpacks

October 4 Pet Blessing on Front Lawn

October 15 Steve Bell Concert

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©2023 by St. James Anglican Dundas. 

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