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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 14 June 2020


Dear Friends,

While it feels like ‘the worst is over’ and we have begun the gradual process of reopening our economy, there is a lot to do before we can meet together in person safely and many unknowns, with the situation changing regularly. Because of this, Anglican church buildings will remain closed as indicated by the Bishops, until at least September.

When we do reopen our building, there will be many new processes in place so that we can do so safely. I reiterate that it isn’t helpful to speculate in great detail as to what these will be- we await the best practice guidelines from public health and our Ecclesiastical leaders before we can work these out in detail for each context. We can expect however, limited numbers at any gathering, physical distancing measures, mask wearing, and the live streaming of our services for those who are unable to join us. When the time comes there will be lots of work to do so our new ‘normal’ goes smoothly, including letters to everyone, an introductory video, preparation of our building, training for volunteers and schedules for the use of the building. We will need to be patient and graceful as we slowly work these things out.

Until that time comes, we continue to live faithfully with care and love for one another, especially the most vulnerable in our community, and we pray for our church and all that the future holds. I choose to believe that this time may be challenging, but it will also be full of opportunities and we may find many blessings in it.

Pax et Bonum,



Join Bishop Susan this coming Wednesday evening (17th June) at 7pm for a special celebration of the Holy Eucharist from our Cathedral live streamed on the Diocesan Facebook page. While we remain unable to gather in person and receive physically the elements of bread and wine, we are invited to make our ‘Spiritual Communion’ where we receive Christ afresh in our hearts by faith as we gather with one another online. What you will experience if you join this act of worship is a Eucharist very similar to what you are used to, but when the time for sharing bread and wine comes, we are given special prayers to say, one together and others alone so we may make our ‘spiritual communion’ with Christ.

Note- because of this service there will be no office of Compline with Mike that evening.


Each week Mike prepares a podcast; a short reflection on the Gospel passage for the week. You can listen to it from the front page of our website or directly from Soundcloud. This week’s message is here:


Each week our email blast lists daily readings for the week for those who want to take some time each day to reflect on the scriptures.  The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:

Monday 15th    Matthew 5.38-42

Tuesday             Matthew 5.43-48

Wednesday      Matthew 6.1-6, 16-18

Thursday           Matthew 6.7-15

Friday                Matthew 6.19-23

Saturday           Matthew 6.24-34

Sunday-            John 1.1-18 (National Indigenous Day of Prayer)

NOT WALKING ON WATER…. But the next best thing!

By now you may have received in the mail the letter about our church floor. While we are away from our building and have received a donation of half of the required cost, we are going to replace the flooring in the main worship space of the church building so that when we return we will have a renewed, attractive, safe and clean worship space. The flooring project was unanimously approved by Parish Council and is part of the work of stewardship of the building so that it can be used effectively for the ongoing mission of the church in the years to come. If you are able to make a donation to the remaining cost of this project please send it to the church via cheque or cash (with a note indicating it is for the floor) and remember to detail anyone in whose memory you would like to make this donation. You can also donate by credit card here:

But remember to select designated for ‘other’ and fill in ‘floor’.

More information will be coming in the next few weeks!


Do you have the ability to record yourself reading scripture or prayers on a webcam or phone camera and to get that file to Mike via a cloud? I’d love to be able to feature many voices in forthcoming videos and podcasts; please email Mike to let him know if you are able and willing to help.


This Wednesday 10th June 10am-11am, we’ll host an online ‘Coffee Hour’. To take part in this you’ll need to sign into ZOOM which is a conferencing software. Go to . You can click ‘Join a Meeting’ in the top right-hand corner and enter the meeting number and password, or simply click on the link below.

For those unused to using this software, a few notes:

· Only one person can speak at a time, so the host (Mike) will invite you to speak.

· It is considered polite to ‘mute’ your microphone when you are not speaking otherwise background noise from your home can confuse those listening.

· There are different ways to ‘view’ the meeting – by clicking ‘gallery view’ when you join the meeting you can see everyone present.

· It is very different to meeting in person so be prepared to be patient the first time you use this and we get used to this way of meeting.

· If you have technical questions about using Zoom please contact Bob Morrow.

· PLEASE USE YOUR REAL NAME so we know who is joining each meeting.

Here are the details you need:


10am Wednesday 3rd June 2020

To join Zoom Meeting, click here:

Meeting ID: 826 0575 7834

Password: 041856


Lastly, please note that Mike will be taking ‘vacation’ from Tuesday 23rd June to Sunday 28th June 2020 inclusive.

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