Dear Friends,
Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
He is Risen indeed! Alleluia!
HAPPY EASTER to you all.
We celebrate this Easter much like the first disciples- locked away, confused, separated from loved ones, with some mourning of our way of life and people we love, and wondering ‘what happens next’?
I do know that many people from Saint James and beyond have come together spiritually in this time via our Facebook page:
and our youtube page:
To pray and hear the story of Holy Week and Easter.
Thank you to those who have joined together in that way.
We’re also a few weeks into our regular Saint James Podcast which includes a Gospel story and some reflection or Bible study for us to engage in. This week’s podcast is my Easter Sunday Sermon and can reached through the front page of our website or via soundcloud:
I also know many have ‘tuned in’ to the Diocesan Facebook page for Sunday worship and worship during Easter:
Thank you again.
A huge thanks also to those who weekly, manage our ‘phone tree’ and try to ensure everyone gets a call at this time. Please make an effort to stay in touch with your friends from Church!
It may be that we come out of this time a better-connected church community with new ways to nurture our prayer lives and to reach and communicate the Good News of Jesus with others and invite them to join us.
In the mean time we do what the church exists for – in the light of Easter we aim to be people who in a time threatened by death, proclaim love and life and good news- we’ve literally been training for this for 2000 years!
And here’s a thing to think about:
When we finally re-enter our building, we will still need to be cautious and sensible to avoid viral resurgence. We will have many pressing matters of concern to deal with....
We will celebrate Easter and Resurrection on that first Sunday.
We will put the new fair linen, recently donated, on our Altars
We will sing ‘Alleluias’.
We will renew our Baptism.
We will mourn those we have lost.
We will bless and light our Paschal Candle.
We will ring bells and celebrate the Holy Eucharist again.
We will remember those who have carried us through this time.
We will share coffee and cake.
I’m so looking forward to that day.
Take care of yourselves.
ASK FOR HELP if you need it!
Stay home if you can.
Love your neighbours.
Pray daily.
Read scriptures.
Wash your hands.
Give to charity and the church if you have the means.
Support small local businesses.
Wear masks if you have to go outside.
Encourage and thank those who have to go to work for us.
Make a phone call to keep others (and yourself) company.
Listen to music.
Next week I am hoping to start some online gatherings / chats…. Watch this space.
In the mean time, let us praise the risen Christ! Amen! Alleluia!
Pax et Bonum,
A Prayer for the week:
Lord God, we thank you for all the good things of your providing
and we pray for the time when people everywhere
shall have the abundant life of your will,
revealed to us in Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop George Appleton (1902-1993)
Please note that our parish email has changed to
