PARISH OFFICE Please note that Nyle is on vacation this week. There will be a delay in answering messages. Please direct an URGENT matters to a warden or Mike Deed.
There will be a ZOOM meeting next Saturday 16th January at 1pm to give all those who are interested a preview and discussion on the 2021 budget. This is because Zoom is a difficult forum for significant discussion to take place and we want to make sure everyone has the chance to ask questions, and give advice before our actual vestry meeting. You can join the Zoom meeting at the link below:
Time: Jan 16, 2021 01:00 PM America/Toronto
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 964 2700 7721
Passcode: 513401
We are intending to hold another ‘Phone Auction in the early Spring. If you are able to donate any item suitable for an auction it would be gratefully received. Contact Sue Pratt for more information.
Come to the Dundas Room on Thursday morning at 10.00 a.m. for coffee and a chat … well, not in person, but virtually! Every Thursday morning, you can join a group to discuss whatever comes up - religion, politics, the environment … sometimes we even talk about YOU! (just kidding…only when you are there! If you have ZOOM on your computer/tablet/laptop … it is basically “one-click”. If you are having difficulty installing ZOOM, give Robert Morrow a call for assistance.
St. James’ Coffee Hour
Time: Jan 14, 2021 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 949 4291 4493
Passcode: 016158
For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 11th January Matthew 2.13-18 (Holy Innocents)
Tuesday Mark 1.21-28
Wednesday Mark 1.29-39
Thursday Mark 1.40-45
Friday Mark 2.1-12
Saturday Mark 2.13-17
Sunday John 1.43-51
Bless those who mourn
the death of relative or friend
and feel that with this loss
their lives are incomplete.
Bless those who mourn,
and fill these empty hearts
with pleasant memories,
the sound of laughter,
sunshine and happier days.
Bless those who mourn,
and heal their brokenness
with the soothing balm
of your gentle touch,
that they might know
shalom, wholeness, peace.
Author Unknown