May the year ahead be blessed
And may the time be sanctified;
That in it’s joys and sorrows,
In the work and play,
In times of rest and renewal,
We may meet with the living God
And be changed. Amen.
Sunday 5th January 2020
The Feast of Epiphany
There will be a congregational meeting following both services to take a first look at our annual budget.
A huge thanks go to all those who worked so hard to make our Advent and Christmas celebrations joyful and meaningful. To our Altar Guild and Choir, servers, readers, bell ringers, welcomers and sidespeople, decorators and wardens and all who provided hospitality. Thank you. A special thanks to Richard Hansen and Nyle Armstrong for all their preparations and leadership.
A new website for Saint James has been designed by our own Mike Anderson (Thanks Mike!)! Please check it out and help us by sharing it with friends and families.
The ‘Jill Award’ is given annually to a volunteer who exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism at Saint James Church, particularly those who encourage the next generation of volunteers. The qualities in such a volunteer would include accountability, inclusivity, a passion for helping others, dependability and commitment. Nominations are open from December 1st – January 31st. Nomination forms are available from the welcome centre in the Narthex. The Jill award will be presented at the annual vestry meeting of Saint James Church.
The completed form should be submitted directly to the Rector.
On Saturday 11th January 8am- 1pm, we’ll be having a Maintenance Morning to get moving on a number of jobs around our building, like painting the ramp area and putting shelving in the maintenance room, cleaning out closets, sweeping, changing bulbs and so many other small projects. Our Maintenance Team will take the lead, but all help is greatly appreciated. The more who turn up, the more things we can accomplish together. Please sign up in the Narthex if you can come.
The Annual Vestry meeting will take place on Sunday 23rd February 2020 following a SINGLE SERVICE at 9.30am. Reports on all areas of ministry are due to Rev. Mike Deed by this coming Sunday 5th January (final deadline) to be included in the vestry report. Thank you!
Lent 2020
As we prepare for Lent 2020, some info for your schedule:
Ash Wednesday: February 26th 2020, join us for a service to begin the journey of Lent at either 10am or 7pm.
The Bishop’s Lent Book for 2020 is ‘Inspired’ by Rachel Held Evans. Copies of the book are available from the Parish Office or after Sunday services priced $17.
On Sundays during Lent we will have a sermon series entitled ‘Why Jesus’ and we’ll be looking for volunteers at the end of Lent to share some very brief words on camera on what Jesus means to them. If you are willing to volunteer please let Mike Deed know.
At the Easter vigil we will bless and dedicate a new Paschal Candle for the year 2020. If you would like to make a donation towards the cost of the candle (approx. $200) please put your money in an envelope clearly marked ‘Paschal Candle’ and pass it to the parish office. Much like Christmas flowers we will publish a list of thanksgivings in the Easter bulletin.
BODY AND SOUL Jan 7 -speaker from Bob Kemp Hospice; Jan 14 – Deirdre Pike speaking on Social Justice.
There are still a few boxes of church envelopes that need to be picked up in the
SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE I am still prepared to set up the coffee before the 10.30am service, but volunteers who will do the clearing up afterwards are needed. Ideally, two people are needed to wash and dry, and someone else needs to put away the tables and chairs each week. A sign-up sheet will be on the board for these duties. This is a lovely tradition and requires more than one person so please consider giving a hand!
Many thanks! ~ Jill
WOMEN’S DINNER – January 17th
Tickets will be available for purchase or reservation after the service on Sunday and from the church office. A sign-up poster will be in the Narthex for those available to help.
A New Years Prayer
Lord, You make all things new,
You bring hope alive in our hearts,
And cause our Spirits to be born again.
Thank you for this new year
For all the potential it holds.
Come and kindle in us a mighty flame,
So that in our time,
Many will see the wonders of God
And live forever to praise Your glorious name.