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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 8 November 2021

If you cannot attend in person you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link is provided on the parish Facebook site and website.


Christmas gives us the opportunity to focus on the needs of children in our community. In church, you will see “snowflakes” appear on our walls with instructions attached. These “snowflakes” will reflect children’s requests and needs as provided by St. Matthews House. We know you will support this wonderful program so well managed by Jackie D., Carleon H. and all their friends who provide assistance at this important time.

If you know of any families in our parish community who might need assistance over the Christmas season, please let the church office know.

GREAT response to the request for sewing assistance. Still need some sowers (not sewers as previously advertised) for the bags. Material was donated – thanks.


We are approaching the 45th Holiday House Tour after (thankfully) only a one-year hiatus due to COVID-19.

AND WOW! You will be so impressed with the five houses available this year. Get your tickets early! We are expecting that this one will be sold out! Tickets are available!!!!!! Both at the regular outlets, at the church, or on-line.

There are sign-up sheets available in the Narthex for anyone who ca n help or contact the office 905-627-1424. The tasks range from set-up to cookie maker to Greeter and many more.

All COVID guidelines will be followed to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment.

For more information, please contact 905-627-1424.


Our coffee hour occurs this Thursday on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 693 269 0932

Use either the link or Zoom ID but you don't need to do both.


Everyone received a special e-blast from the Parochial Committee last Thursday, outlining the processes related to the small group meetings to get the “temperature” of the parish at this time.

The basics …

  • Groups will be limited to 10 participants including the facilitator and note-taker;

  • The meetings will last 1 hour (approximately);

  • You can choose EITHER an in-person meeting at the church (in the parlour) OR a ZOOM format meeting. If you choose a ZOOM format, the ZOOM coordinates will be sent out closer to the date;

  • Please call (905 - 627-1424) for more information or if you did not receive the special e-blast.


Our newsletter, [HAPPENINGS] so beautifully put together by our Honorary Assistant, Peter D, is getting ready for its next edition for Advent and Epiphany. If you have submissions, please forward to Peter via the office DEADLINE IS NOVEMBER 15.


Dozens of pairs of boots and 77 coats have been delivered to the Wesley Day Centre for those in need. MANY thanks to those who have responded…keep it going….more are needed!

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