SUNDAY, August 11, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and
the order of service please visit St. James at: stjamesdundas.ca or the St. James
Facebook page.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 9:15 p.m. Compline will remain at 9:15 for the time being! Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
A reminder that there will not be a church service at St. James on Sunday August 18. The ADC(Association of Dundas Churches) is having a Joint Service. See poster below.

If there is inclement weather, we will gather inside the building.
Tuesday Evening Prayer
The Tuesday evening prayer group has evolved. We are now meeting in a hybrid format. You are welcome to join us Tuesday evening at 6:15 in person in the parlour at St. James, or through Zoom at the same time.
If you would like to join via Zoom, please email the office stjamesdundas@outlook.com on Tuesdays by 4:00pm to receive the Zoom meeting link.
The meeting is a combination of prayer and discussion of either a devotional or a passage from scripture. We look forward to welcoming you.
MONDAY AFTERNOON GAMES – First and third Monday of the month from 1.30-4pm, in the Parlour. Next date is August 19th! Everyone is invited to participate.

Do you like to quilt? Would you like to learn how to quilt or hone your quilting skills? If so, Barry S. is offering quilting classes on Saturday mornings beginning in September. If you are interested or know of someone who would be interested please speak to Barry after the Sunday service or you can reach him via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com. Barry is not charging for the lessons but anyone taking the course will have to supply all their own materials.
Many Anglican parishes in the Hamilton area have been blessed with a large number of East African refugees who have joined our congregations. Many of these people are very skilled, have their work papers, and are seeking employment. Leads on full time jobs are always welcome. We have people who have worked as nurses, available to provide care to the elderly or those who need assistance with their activities of daily living. We have people available for yard work, landscaping, painting, moving of furniture, babysitting, and housecleaning. If you have a couple of hours of work, a few days, or more, please feel free to contact the office at 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com and we will find someone for you to consider for employment. Many have excellent references for the work they have done here."
EfM (Education for Ministry)
Now is the time to consider if you would like to sign up for EfM. EfM helps the faithful encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and bring it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship, and engage in theological reflection together. Contact the office if you are interested.
Calling all singers and Instrumentalists!
With the support of the Corporation, I am pleased to welcome all musicians to be a part of our Music Ministry, either joining the Parish Choir or playing music instruments (public playing experience would be an asset).
Choir rehearsals begin Thursday, September 5th, at 7:30 pm and run to 9 pm. Please plan to come at 7:15 pm to pick up music. If there is sufficient interest, rehearsals will be offered from 4:30 pm (finishing at 5:45 pm) on Saturday, September 7th, 2024.
If you would like to share your musical gifts, then feel free to contact me at (905)-627-1424 (or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
Remember, a person who sings in church, prays twice.
Photo Directory
It’s Not Too Late!
With less than 25 spots left out of the 108 opportunities, please book your appointment to be a part of the new St. James family directory.
It only takes ½hr to have your photo taken, choose a pose for the directory and, if desired, make a purchase. Your professional portrait would make a nice gift and you could even have Christmas cards made from it.
The dates still available are Sept. 16 and Sept. 30. Let’s fill those spots and have a complete directory of our St. James family.
Contact the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
Please consider supporting the St. Matthew's House Seniors Support program by donating non-perishable food items and personal care items. These items can be placed in the white tower in the narthex. St. Matthew’s House supports seniors by assisting them to remain independent in their own homes.
It’s harvest time!
If you are busy making jams, pickles, sauces etc. don’t forget to put a few jars aside for the sale at House Tour on Dec.4. People look forward to purchasing homemade items from the kitchens of St. James’ parishioners.
If you have an interesting cookie recipe or are interested in helping on cookie baking day contact the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com.
St. James Gallery
For the month of August we will be exhibiting the work of abstract painter,
Lexi Dick
Gallery hours Tuesday -Friday 10am -2pm.
Newcomer News!
We want to thank you all for the wonderful donations you have made for our newcomers. There are a few more items we could use. We have a mum with 4 children who need some things.
A fan Curtain rod for the living room
A microwave Pots and pans
We also have someone who needs mechanics tools-if anyone knows where we can get some used ones at a good price let us know.
We always need:
Beds sheets dishes
Blankets towels pots and pans
Laptops bicycles microwaves
rice cooker
radios or any sound system
a turntable-we have a DJ
sewing machines and fabric-we have a tailor
TVs, especially smart TVs
carpets/area rugs
toys for children boys aged 12 and 6; girls aged 8 and 10
I regularly get very moving notes thanking us. These are from last Saturday.
I don't know where to start, but please accept our deepest gratitude for your selfless donations. Your support means the world to us. We are lucky to have you, God bless you. It feels so good knowing we are this favoured, we came to Canada not knowing where life will start, and truth be told we've been there.
Hi Lynn… We received some two mattresses today, am so thankful. May the GOD LORD bless you more.
Thank you ...Word can not express how happy I am today, ...you made my moving day so easy and lovely...God bless you handsomely. I will never forget this love and care till life end. Thank you richly. I love you.
I get messages like this regularly. You are making people's lives much better. Thanks for all you are doing.