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PARISH NEWS- 5 October 2022



SUNDAY, October 9 (Pentecost 17 / Thanksgiving Sunday) – 10.00 a.m. Parish Eucharist with Children’s Program. If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. Links to the service and order of service can be found here: or on the St. James Facebook page.

WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE - Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook page.

New hours for the Parish Office Monday closed Tuesday 9am-4pm Wednesday 9am -4pm Thursday 9am-noon Friday 9am-noon

A reflection on generous giving…

Ripe tomato generosity

By Lori Guenther Reesor

Ripe tomatoes straight from the garden taste best! Deuteronomy 26, talks about sharing the first fruits of the harvest as an offering to God. God’s people are asked to give God their best, the first share of the crops. The first ripe tomato, the cookies fresh out of the oven, part of the first paycheque. When we share what God has given us, from our first fruits, we honour God.

At the start of the harvest, we don’t know what the coming year will bring. Will there be famine or hardship? Should we can those first tomatoes in a jar on the shelf?

In an act of trust in God’s provision, we share without knowing the future.

First fruits generosity encourages us to share as we are able, not waiting until the whole harvest is gathered in, before we know what lies ahead. Generosity is hopeful, not a cheap hope that life will be easy, but a faithful hope that God never leaves us. Generosity becomes testimony to God’s saving grace.

MISSIONAL INITIATIVE “CATCH-UP” – October 13th at 7.00 p.m. From the comfort of your home on ZOOM. Coordinates are below this announcement. So, you missed a session … or … you still have a question you would like answered before we do our final session … PRIORITIZING THE PARISH MISSION ACTION PLAN on October 16th. We realize that parishioners might not have been available for all sessions … or may still have queries about the process. We want you to be fully cognizant of the process and what we have learned about ourselves so far, so that prioritizing our Actions for the near future will be meaningful for all involved. We will NOT discuss where we should be going in the future – that is the function of the final meeting … but just clarifying the process and answering questions about what we have found out so far. By the end of the third meeting on 2nd of October we will have looked at … - Adult Faith Formation - Reshaping Parish Culture to Enable Ministry - Fullness of Life in the Neighbourhood. On October 16th we will be actively involved in prioritizing activities for the near future.

To help to bring this together, and to clarify any concerns to this point, the Missional Initiatives Committee will hold a ONE HOUR ZOOM MEETING, on the 13th of October.


Time: Oct 13, 2022 07:00 PM

contact the office 905-627-1424 or see the weekly eblast you received Oct 5th


Saturday, October 15Trivia Night

The trivia game will consist of multiple-choice questions from six categories with each table/team working together on the answers. You never know: you or your friends may turn out to be more brilliant than you ever imagined! When in doubt, just guess! It's all meant to be light-hearted fun and fellowship.

Please note also, that if you're unable to attend, cash or cheque donations will be very gratefully received by St. Matthew's House in direct support of feeding many seniors in our community as well as helping them obtain safe, appropriate housing. Tickets are $20$ and are available in the church office. Thank you all for your support of this event and for spreading the word to your families and friends.

Sunday, October 16 – 4th Missional Action Plan Meeting after the regular service on Sunday – Prioritizing our Mission Action Plan (one hour).

October 21st – Friday Food Fair (6.00 - 8.00 p.m.)

Volunteers are needed to make soup, muffins, biscuits, vegetable dishes, main dishes or anything else that you can think of, to sell to friends and family. A list will be available with names, phone numbers, food and prices for general circulation so please contact Jill through the office 905-627-1424

People are invited to phone in their requests between the hours of 6 and 8pm and arrange to pick up sometime on Saturday, 22nd—-you choose your own time slot to suit yourself. Cash or cheques are preferred.

Further information is available from Jill… 905-627-1424

November 4-5, 2022 - The 1 48th Synod of the Diocese of Niagara

The theme of this year's Synod is “God’s Church for God’s Mission," inspired by the recent Lambeth Conference gathering of bishops from around the globe. Please pray for Synod delegates.


These reflections are meant to be just that! Not a statement about the tenets of our religion or, heaven forbid, a social justice or political stance of any kind … just a little tidbit to generate some thought … and perhaps some conversation with others within the parish family of St. James, and beyond.

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