SUNDAY, July 9, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. Sixth Sunday after Pentecost If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: stjamesdundas.ca or the St. James Facebook page.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 8.30 p.m. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
Garage and Bake Sale on Saturday, July 22nd. In the event that you are, or know someone who is downsizing or spring cleaning, any useful, clean items are needed. We are not in a position to store donations at the church, so please hang on to any boxes until Friday July 21st. Thank you to everyone for the success of the bake sales to date. For July the Bake Sale will be held at the Garage Sale on July 22nd. Baked goods are welcome, please contact Terese if you have questions.

ALTAR FLOWERS - Giving altar flowers for a Sunday service is a special way to remember a loved one, give thanks for the blessings in your life, and brighten the lives of “shut-ins” and parishioners who are unwell since we deliver flowers from the altar to them. Please consider providing flowers at an upcoming service over the next few months. Now that we are in the season of gardening some of these flowers could be flowers from your garden! For more information, please contact the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
Message from the St. James’ Holiday House Tour Committee It is that time of year already, when we are actively seeking houses to feature in this year’s Holiday House Tour. If you or someone you know may be interested in having their home on the tour, please contact

Jan S. via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com Jan will be happy to reach out to the homeowner to discuss further.
Are you interested in joining the Holiday House Tour Committee? It takes an energetic committee as well as an army of volunteers to pull off the House Tour. We have seasoned committee members who are eager to orient new members to the workings of the House Tour. We have fun, meet lots of people from the church and community and raise considerable funds for the church. If you are interested in joining the committee, contact Gillian H. via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com

For the summer months St. James is supporting a vital partner in ministry,
St. Matthew’s House. The following items are needed for distribution to those greatly in need:
1. Meal replacement items like Boost and Ensure
2. Toiletries
3. Incontinence products
4. Non-perishable protein food items
The latest impact report from St. Matthew’s House is attached for anyone interested in reading the exciting projects on the go at St. Matthew’s House.
Tuesday Evening Prayer
All are welcome to come and pray in the sanctuary on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:00 pm. The gathering is informal, starting with a short scripture reading then silent or spoken prayers by all. Bring what's on your heart that needs prayer.

After nearly three years of providing takeaway meals to people living with food insecurities, St. James is returning to opening the doors for community guests to come in, sit down, and enjoy a healthy, hot meal with their friends and family. There are five churches providing these meals, and St. James is responsible for providing meals on the 4th Monday of every month and providing a serving place on the 5th Monday. One job is helping to set tables with placemats, cutlery, glasses, etc. Another is to help cook, prepare food and serve. There is also need for volunteers to clean up, wash dishes, pans, and generally clean the kitchen. If you have time to offer between 2:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. and are interested in volunteering to do one or more of these jobs, please contact Nora C. via the office.
Indoor meals at St. James will take place every 4th and 5th Monday. Doors open at 5:30. Dinner is served at 6pm.
Dundas Room Roof Replacement The flat roof over the Dundas Room is old, worn and in need of immediate replacement. The cost is approximately $32,000. The roof is 3200 square feet. 32,000 / 3200 = $10 per square foot.
For as little as $10.00 (or as much as you are able) YOU have the opportunity to help ensure St. James continues to be a safe and vibrant place for ministry and hospitality.
So far approximately $1000 has been generously donated to ‘raise the roof’.
Generosity begets generosity! Donate today!
No more raindrops falling on our heads!
Robert Morrow has donated 11 photographs – all mounted and ready to hang. Purchase one … or more … of these “one-of-a-kind” photographs … and ALL of the purchase price will be donated back to St. James to help pay for the needed roofing. One example…… see below.

for all those everyday purchases. Everyone benefits!
Next Order date: Sunday August 6th
for pick-up on August 13th
Order forms are on home page – Drop off or email to the church office
ORGAN RECITAL AT ST. JAMES As part of the biennial convention of the Royal Canadian College of Organists and the Organ Historical Society, St. James has been given the honour of hosting a recital on Friday, July 7th, 2023, from 10:15 am to 10:45 am. Called the 'Postlude, series of recitals, the interested convention attendees will also be visiting a church in Ancaster and also in Mount Hope. Richard will present the first recital and will be joined by Dr's Stephen Boda and Matthew Coons, who will be presenting 30 minute recitals at the two other churches. Richard will play organ works by Bach, Stanley, Johnson, Bridge, Bedard and Guilmant. Also, the great Easter hymn "Thine is the Glory" will be sung by those in attendance. The recital is a free concert, with the main purpose to showcase our wonderful pipe organ here at St. James. It is considered to be in the top 5 organs in the Hamilton/Burlington area.
July 7th Organ Recital 10:15 – 10:45 am. Featuring Richard Hansen. Free admission.
Jul 22nd Garage and Bake Sale