E-blast for July 4, 2022
SUNDAY, July 10, 2022 - Regular Sunday Service at 10.00 a.m. The Reverend Canon Peter Davison will be presiding and preaching (and he may finish the homily he started yesterday … tune in to get the big picture) at this service. If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. Links to the service and order of service are on our website stjamesdundas.ca and our Facebook page.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE - Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day with Tom Atterton. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
Ron, in particular is thrilled to have his wedding ring back, thanks to a lovely lady from METRO in Dundas. Good luck was involved, as was care and thoughtfulness … and the timing couldn’t have been better.
We hosted a film crew for a week; most of the filming was done on Victoria Street, but one scene was filmed in our administrator’s office. It’s about ghosts, so we asked them to leave one for Nyle because she was away on holiday for the week. I won’t spoil the movie by telling you about the gross things that happened to the young lady in the interview. It will be up to Nyle to find the ghost left behind.
With thanks to Barry and Frank who donated the new shed and then spent four hours putting it together… the new Shed has been installed. Even the back of the church looks great!
For all of you who avoided coming to church … while the film crew occupied the Dundas Room and the Parlour! Women’s loo was backed up, but that was solved and the cleaning crew did a great job on the carpet in the Parlour.
To Frank and Barry for their donation of the new Shed.
To Jackie for her leadership in the Grandmothers of Steel Tea Party (see below)
To Janet for providing the wonderful Canada Day muffins for after the service on Sunday; if you were watching on-line … your muffin is not in the mail. J
EfM – Did you see all those smiling faces on June 5th when we celebrated the graduation of new EfM participants? No, you didn’t … because they had masks on! But, their shining eyes revealed those covered-up smiles. Now is the time to register for the 2022-2023 Education for Ministry (EfM) program year. Please speak to Peter Davison via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com so you can be registered, and materials ordered for the September 12th start. The program is open to adults from other Christian denominations as well as Anglicans. It encourages us to apply our faith to all areas of life, and, is described by many as transformative."
No, this is not like the Boston Tea Party – this is a celebratory event with a suggested donation of $25.00 per ticket to help the Grandmothers with their wonderful work in African countries. Tea in the Garden – contact Jackie D via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com The tea party will be held on Melville Street in Dundas between Cross and Sydenham; specific location will be indicated to ticket purchasers.
One of the readings this week was about leprosy – from second Kings – Naaman, as commander of the army suffered from leprosy. This disease is still around and every year St. James sends our collected used postage stamps to the Leprosy Mission of Canada; this organization in turn sells them to dealers to raise funds to help Leprosy patients in the developing world. We recently received a letter of thanks from this agency and here is an excerpt from that letter.
"We continue to be encouraged by the enthusiastic response from stamp contributors, due in part, to an extraordinary amount of stamps received from people such as the members of your church. Our goal is to raise $6,000 in 2022, which will allow us to bring the cure to 60 leprosy patients. Through medical treatment, as well as education and rehabilitation, you are helping to restore dignity and courage to those who have suffered far too long"
We will continue collecting stamps ALL THROUGH THE YEAR and the total package will be sent at the end of the calendar year (taking advantage of Christmas card stamps).
Please note that donated stamps should have a border of at least 1/4" around them.
Diana will continue to trim, organize and mail these stamps.
Heads up for the next TEA AND TREASURES. This is NOT a garage sale but an opportunity for you to contribute some of those items you consider to be “treasures” but which you are not really using that much any more! At the same time, you can also purchase some of these treasures and enjoy the company of others … HOLD THE DATE – SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1st …. More information as we approach the date. For more a more informed view of what is needed or to talk with someone who knows what she is talking about, please call Lynne via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
Saturday, December 3rd, St. James will host our 46th Annual Holiday House Tour. The date is set and an energetic team is in place to deliver a wonderful holiday event for our community. What we don't have are enough fabulous houses for the tour. We are looking for Dundas homeowners who are willing to open their houses to over 600 guests for a good cause - the ministries of St. James. House Tour guests enjoy homes that may be historical in nature, unique in design or décor, and decorated for Christmas. Are you thinking of having your house on the tour? Do you have a friend or neighbour who may be interested in opening their home? If so, please contact Gillian via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com. We will be in touch and follow up with any leads that you may provide.
The Holiday House Tour is the major fundraiser for St James and everyone's participation is needed to make sure that it is successful. It is also a great opportunity to welcome people into our church and experience St. James' hospitality. Please be in touch with Gillian if you are interested in helping out with the many tasks leading up to the big day. We would love your help.
As a parish, we will be going through a process called a MISSION ACTION PLAN. To this point, we have had numerous little articles in the e-blasts to get parish members familiar with the process. Tentative dates have been established for the fall to implement this plan.
August 21 A member of the Missional Initiative Team will do the homily; if you cannot attend that day, we highly recommend that you view the service on-line.
September 7 An evening ZOOM meeting (7 – 8 pm.) for those of you who would like more information. This will be with Canon Christyn Perkons.
September 18, 25 and October 2 – three sequential gatherings, each with some preparation in advance and each with a specific focus …
September 18 Faith Formation/Discipleship
September 25 Reshaping Parish Culture to Enable Ministry
October 2 Fullness of Life in our neighbourhood
October 16 We will use this Sunday to Prioritize our Mission Action Plan,
choosing which parts of the missional plan we will engage. This will
not make much sense to you unless you have been involved in
some or all of the previous three sessions.