SUNDAY, December 8th– 10:00 – Advent 2
If you are unable to attend in person, the service is live streamed.
For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: or the St. James Facebook page.
Tuesday Evening Prayer
The Tuesday evening prayer group has evolved. We are now meeting in a hybrid format. You are welcome to join us Tuesday evening at 6:15 in person in the parlour at St. James, or through Zoom at the same time.
If you would like to join via Zoom, please contact the office on Tuesdays by 4:00pm at to receive the Zoom meeting link.
The meeting is a combination of prayer and discussion of either a devotional or a passage from scripture. We look forward to welcoming you.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 9:15 p.m. Compline will remain at 9:15 for the time being! Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
Are you wondering what is going on in our world today?
Can science and religion/spirituality be linked in this quest to find answers to the deeper questions of our lives?
If so, you might like to join Maddie and Carol
in a conversation that revolves around
the past, present, and future of humankind.
The meet will be on three Thursdays at 2 p.m., here in the parlour, beginning Thursday, November 28th.
Bring your questions, your ideas, your experiences, your doubts, to gather with friends and explore wide-ranging conundrums about what is happening in our world today,
and how it is likely to shape our future as God’s beloved
on planet Earth.
October 2024 To March 2025
Gently used, clean items may be placed in the containers located at the parking lot entrance to the church. Please only winter coats, boots, hat scarves, mitts, blankets and sleeping bags. No other clothing.
Please pass the word through your channels.
Contact Anne or Betty via the for more details or to help with this much needed outreach project.
MONDAY AFTERNOON GAMES – First and third Monday of the month from 1.30 - 4pm, in the Parlour. Everyone is invited to participate.
Monthly Services at Dundas Seniors’ Residences
Do you have a passion or interest in ministering with seniors in the Dundas Community? Can you spare a couple of hours a month? St. James is seeking ministry volunteers to help at three of the retirement residences where St. James provides a monthly service.
We are also seeking an individual to play the keyboard and/or piano at the Amica service. Please speak with Canon Leslie if you are able to help out with this important and rewarding ministry.
House Tour
Preparations are well underway for the 48th annual House Tour on December 7.
Houses are confirmed and we are excited to say that Margaret’s Place will also be open to our ticket holders.
Tickets are available, online, at selected locations and the church office.
The Knitting group meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of the month at 1:30 in the St. James Church parlour. All are welcome!
Share Your Musical Gifts This Advent!
Advent is almost here—and we want YOU to be part of making this season extra special! If you’re musically gifted (whether you sing, play an instrument, or have another musical talent), we’d love for you to share your gift with the congregation.
This is your chance to help lead us in worship and create a joyful, beautiful atmosphere as we prepare for Christ’s coming. Whatever your gift is, we want to hear from you – young and old alike!
Interested? Be in touch by November 17th by reaching out to the church office at 905-627-1424 or email, and we’ll take it from there!
Let’s make this Advent a meaningful experience together!
Canadian Church Calendars are on sale in the office.
There is a limited amount so don’t delay! Price: $10 each
Why not purchase gift cards through the St. James Fundscrip Program for friends, colleagues, and family, and help St. James raise money in the process.
Gift cards might be the perfect gift for the teenagers in your life.
On behalf of the outreach committee, I would like to thank everyone who donated food items for the Cathedral Cafe. When Frank and I delivered the many bags of food the staff were overwhelmed by the generosity of the members of St. James. On average the Cathedral Cafe provides over 200 meals a day to the most vulnerable in our city. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Blessings to all during this season of Advent as we await the birth of our Saviour the Christ child.
Chair of the Outreach Committee
Holiday Hope
The time has come again to be Secret Santas to children around the city. Choose a card from the tree on the wall in the Sanctuary and fulfill the child’s wish for a clothing item or a toy. There are stocking stuffer selections as well to allow all to contribute how they are able. We gratefully accept cash donations to the project (or e transfers but please clearly mark in the memo line that your donation is for Holiday Hope) as well as all the families get grocery gift cards and the cost of food has really gone up! The gifts are all to come unwrapped with their cards securely attached to the chosen items. The due date to have the gift back to the church is Dec. 8. Thank you for brightening another family’s Christmas!
Canadian Church Calendars are on sale in the office. There is a limited amount so don’t delay! Price: $10 each
Mark your calendar! Please note that Vestry reports for the 2025 Vestry Meeting are due to be received in the office no later than January 10, 2025.
Upcoming Events
December 7 – Holiday House Tour
December 10 – Advent Organ Recital 12:15 pm
Admission $10
Guest organist: Dr. Aaron James
Guest violinist: Corey Gemmell
December 14 - Saturday Service 7pm (Dinner at 5:30 pm)
December 17 – Advent Organ Recital 12:15 pm
Admission $10
Guest organist: Ian Sadler.
December 22 - Advent 4, Singing the Story: A Contemporary
Service of Lessons & Carols @ 10:00am
Advent and Christmas Services
Sunday December 22nd - Advent 4
Singing the Story: A Contemporary Service of Lessons & Carols
Tuesday December 24th - Christmas Eve
Family Service with Communion 4:00pm
Traditional Service with Communion 9:00pm
Wednesday December 25th – Christmas Day
Service with Communion 10:00am
Sunday, December 29 Christmas 2 10:00am
Service with Communion