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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 27 December 2020

THANK YOU A sincere thanks to all those who helped make our Christmas Worship happen online over the last week. A special thanks to Richard Hansen for all the Christmas joy that music brings! WORSHIP THIS WEEK

PREPARING FOR VESTRY As we approach the new year we are preparing for our Vestry meeting. This year, it will take place on Sunday 14th February 2021 at 11am and will happen online via ZOOM. Zoom is a video-conference program that many of us have been using over this time when we have been unable to gather. It also allows people to ‘phone in’ to the meeting, so everyone can take part if they wish to. However, this format has its limitations and it is difficult to ensure everyone is heard and so the vestry meeting will be essential business only. Primarily the passing of a budget and the election of officers. To help the vestry meeting go more smoothly there will be a pre-vestry meeting (and practice run) on Zoom on January 16th at 1pm, to allow us all to hear a budget update and ask questions at this point in time. We’ll also be circulating the vestry report and information about nominations to the positions that are available this year, which is primarily Parish Council. If you are unfamiliar with Zoom you can go to and sign up / create an account and download the program to your computer. Closer to the time we’ll send out a zoom link/ details and phone number as well as some guidelines to how the process will work. In the mean time if you need help setting up Zoom please speak to our warden Robert Morrow. ZOOM COFFEE HOUR Coffee Hour continues this Thursday (New Year’s Eve) at 10am. All are welcome for a time to chat together and enjoy our community. Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827 Passcode: 448066 END OF YEAR RECEIPTS AND DONATIONS If you need to submit a receipt or invoice for reimbursement it must be submitted by January 4th 2021 at the latest. Donations for this financial year (2020) must be made by Wednesday 6th January 2021. E-TRANSFER We are now able to accept e-transfers to the church. If you use etransfers from your bank account you can send money to and it will be deposited in our account. If your donation is designated to a particular appeal or a payment for something, please indicate that clearly in the notes! VESTRY REPORTS We anticipate that our vestry report will be significantly shorter this coming year. However, if you are a ministry leader at Saint James please consider submitting a report to Mike by December 31st 2020 for inclusion in our 2021 Vestry Report. The Vestry meeting will be held via Zoom in February. READING THE BIBLE: For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week: Monday 28th December Matthew 2.13-18 (Holy Innocents) Tuesday John 20.1-8 (Saint John the Evangelist) Wednesday Luke 2.36-40 Thursday John 1.1-18 Friday Luke 2.15-21 (Naming of Jesus) Saturday John 1.19-28 Sunday Matthew 2.1-12 (Feast of the Epiphany) PRAYER OF THE WEEK O God our Father, whose Word has come among us in the Holy Child of Bethlehem, may the light of faith illumine our hearts and shine in our words and deeds; through him who is Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. From the Book of Alternative Services, p. 274

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