If you cannot attend in person you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link is provided on the parish Facebook site and website. Many thanks to Frank R. for his dedicated commitment in assisting with the broadcast of the service.
October 3rd – next Sunday – this will be the Sunday to bring your pets for a blessing as we celebrate the Feast of Saint Francis (which is actually on the day following – October 4th). The patron saint of ecology, Francis’ love and care of creation was reflected in a quote from Pope John Paul II - Francis "invited all of creation – animals, plants, natural forces, even Brother Sun and Sister Moon – to give honor and praise to the Lord.
The fobs that many people who use the church frequently have been disabled during the pandemic. Hopefully, this situation will get a lot easier sometime in the near future. In order for this to occur, we are asking that all who have fobs (or keys), please return them to the office (IN AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR NAME ON IT…SO WE KNOW WHERE IT CAME FROM) so that the fobs can be reprogrammed.
Unfortunately, this event, originally scheduled for November 6th has been postponed due to COVID-19 restrictions on numbers that can be accommodated. New date – YES – write it into your calendar now! That’s how BIG an event this will be ---- May 14, 2022.
The second phase of the Making It Happen project is about to begin! With YOUR generosity and the hard work of Gillian H. and Jan S., we are at the point where we can begin the work on the lighting components in many areas of the church. The impact of this part of the Making It Happen project will be savings in our hydro bill in the future. So, not only are we improving the lighting, but we are being good stewards of the environment at the same time.

Many of you will not be familiar with this artist – but you may be able to experience his lovely water colours sometime in the near future. Les Reid, formerly a parishioner at St. Stephen-on-the-Mount in Hamilton was a self-taught watercolour artist. We hope to “hang” some of his works in the Sanctuary soon. You may also see some of his works circulated on social media. Many thanks to Isabella G. for her incredible amount of work, organizing and cataloguing these original water colours. Keep tuned for more information!
The Bishop has enacted a policy to increase the protection and safety of our parishioners, clergy, employees and all whom we serve. You can view the two-page document on the Diocesan website [www.niagaraanglican.ca] This new measure builds on the current protections in place, all of which seek to reduce the potential for the transmission of COVID-19 in our buildings and other ministry settings. Basically, it provides the following until the end of October to be fully vaccinated:
All clergy, licensed lay workers, diocesan staff;
All liturgical leaders – musicians, vocalists, readers, intercessors, servers, communion assistants;
Greeters, ushers and sidespeople;
All those ministering to children, youth, young adults, marginalized or vulnerable populations, including food security and other outreach ministries.
Those so involved in the parish will be contacted and asked to share (in confidence) their record of vaccination with one person in the office designated for this task.
Worshippers are also strongly encouraged to be vaccinated, living into our Gospel call to love our neighbour and care for the most vulnerable among us, although this will not be required. We will continue to welcome all in the name of Christ.
Food Sale … October 15. Since this has proved to be a popular event, we are doing a repeat. Please let Auntie Jill know whether you are able to contribute in any way. Further ideas are always welcome. Soups, biscuits, squares, muffins, pasta salads, cabbage rolls, meatballs, macaroni and cheese, bread, casseroles have always been well received. Call or email the office 905 627- 1424.
Our coffee hour this Thursday will take place on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee! Coffee Hour will be hosted by Peter D.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/6932690932
Meeting ID: 693 269 0932
Use either the link or Zoom ID but you don't need to do both, and no password is needed – the host will let you in.
MILK BAGS - outer plastic Milk Bags (clean) which are then up-cycled. Please see Carleon H. for more information.
POSTAGE STAMPS and EYEGLASSES - used postage stamps for the leprosy mission and used eyeglasses for medical mission. Please speak to Diana S. for more information.
BATTERIES - We have a box in the narthex to collect used batteries for recycling.
FOOD BANK DONATIONS - We have a new collection point in the narthex with labelled drawers for donations to local food banks. We regularly need pasta, baby food and other baby care essentials, toiletries and hygiene products, jam and peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruit and canned vegetables. Please speak to Terese H. for more information.
