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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS- 25 October 2021



While we are on the current directions from the Diocese, we ask that you please reserve a space using the website or by calling the office … before the end of the day on Thursday, so that the list can be prepared for the greeters. Please register … it helps to make the process of contact tracing and entry to the church easier.

If you cannot attend in person, you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link is provided on the parish Facebook site and website. Many thanks to Frank R. for his dedicated commitment in assisting with the broadcast of the service.

Do you like to bake cookies? We need your help!

St James has a successful tradition of baking Christmas cookies each year to sell at the Holiday House Tour. We are excited to be able to resume our tradition this year! We plan to meet two mornings in November in the kitchen at St James to bake as many Christmas cookies as possible.

All COVID guidelines will be followed to ensure a safe and comfortable work environment. If you are not comfortable working in a group, you are invited to make your own festive cookies and donate them to the cause.

Your participation and efforts in this project are appreciated!

For more information, please contact the office 905-627-1424

Urgently Needed For Adopt a Family

Adopt a Family will start soon, and fabric is needed to sew gift bags for the families. If you have fabric to donate, please bring it to the church office or leave a message at the church for pick up. Any fabric will do, it does not need to have a Christmas theme.

The Garage Sale Was a Huge Success!!

Saturday’s Garage Sale was a success with help from an army of volunteers led by Lynn D. and Terese H.! We made $1,000 and the church was cleared of the boxes and household items that have been gathering over the past years. We are no longer accepting furniture or treasures so please do not leave this type of item at the church. Please discuss any future donations with Lynn D. or Lynne M. Thank-you so much for everyone who helped with this big undertaking!

Anglican Church Calendars

The 2022 Anglican church calendars have arrived and are on sale for $5.00. Excellent Christmas gifts. There is a limited amount so purchase yours early.

Reminder from Parochial Committee

If you have not already done so, please complete the questionnaire regarding small group discussions by October 29th. Some questionnaires were submitted without names. It may be submitted for a second time with your name so we may contact you if you indicated an interest in attending a session. Paper copies are also available at the church office. Thank-you from the Parochial Committee!

All Saints Day Service

Next Sunday October 31st there will be an All Saints Day Service. Please provide the names of your loved ones to the church office by October 28th so they will be remembered in the service.

Volunteers Needed for Outdoor Clean Up

It is that time of the year. Fall is here and winter is on its way. A morning of yard work is planned for Saturday October 30th from 9:00 am to noon. If you are able and interested in helping with the leaves, weeds, and general tidying up of the church property please contact Terese H. or the church office.


The next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday night (October 26) at 7.00 p.m. Interested parishioners may sit in on this ZOOM meeting.

Topic: Parish Council

Time: Oct 26, 2021 07:00 PM Montreal

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 840 0720 8532


Our coffee hour resumes this Thursday (after a brief hiatus) on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee! Peter D. will host Coffee Hour.

Meeting ID: 693 269 0932

Use either the link or Zoom ID but you do not need to do both, and no password is needed – the host will let you in.


MILK BAGS - outer plastic Milk Bags (clean) which are then up-cycled. Please contact the office for more information 905-627-1424

POSTAGE STAMPS and EYEGLASSES - used postage stamps for the leprosy mission and used eyeglasses for medical mission. Please contact the office for more information 905-627-1424

BATTERIES - We have a box in the narthex to collect used batteries for recycling.

FOOD BANK DONATIONS - We have a new collection point in the narthex with labelled drawers for donations to local food banks. We regularly need pasta, baby food and other baby care essentials, toiletries and hygiene products, jam and peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruit, and canned vegetables. Please contact the office for more information 905-627-1424

THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK At the entrance gate of a university in South Africa, the following message was posted for contemplation: “Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or long-range missiles … it only requires lowering the quality of education … Patients die at the hands of such doctors … Buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers … Money is lost at the hands of such economists and accountants … HUMANITY dies at the hands of such religious scholars … Justice is lost at the hands of such judges … The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation!”

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