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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 25 July 2021


Updated: Jul 27, 2021


Fellowship and Fundraising often go together. Saturday was the first time in a LONGGGG time that some of our parish could get together for an event. The garage sale was great and raised $1270, but more important was the fact that we were there as a parish family, working together for the benefit of St. James.

MANY people were involved … as you can image … for this outdoor event. It was a busy two hours, but the preparation and setup took much longer, and thankfully, the rain held off mostly until we got things put away. Lynn D. and Nora C. led a great group of volunteers. We thank you all for your participation .. organizing, setting up, baking, advertising, selling … and providing such a welcoming environment for our guests.

Robert M. (on behalf of the Wardens)


The funeral for Joan Meredith will take place on Friday 6th August 2021 at 11am. Members of Saint James who knew Joan are welcome to attend. To do so you will need to register online or by calling the office and arrive by 10.45am, wear a mask, and remember to keep physical distancing throughout the building.


The funeral for Jim Herron will take place on Saturday 7th August 2021 at 1pm. Members of the parish are welcome to attend. To do so you will need to register online or by calling the office and arrive by 12.45am, wear a mask, and remember to keep physical distancing throughout the building.


Our Making It Happen Campaign continues as we seek to raise money for phase 2 of the project; renewing the lighting throughout the building. We are very grateful for generous gifts towards various goals in phase 3 including the supply and installation of grab bars in all main floor washrooms as well as the painting of disabled parking spaces with transfer space in the parking lot. So far we have raised over $7000 and more has been pledged. THANK YOU to everyone who has given so generously.


Under the revised Diocesan Guidelines staff at Saint James will now be keeping regular office hours. However others will still need an appointment to come to the building.

We are ironing out details for our reopening for in-person worship which will see an increased capacity of 75 people. Those wishing to worship in person will still need to reserve a space online via our website or phone the parish office. We will still need to keep physical distancing and wear masks. We will not be able to sing together for the time being and children will need to stay with their families. Initially we will open for Sunday worship at 10am and further services may be phased in once our interim minister begins and is able to take stock of attendance and volunteer requirements.


Our weekly Coffee hour continues each week on Zoom, a chance to connect with others in our parish community.

We meet at 10am on Thursday morning.

All are welcome to join us via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 893 5637 9105

Passcode: 293604


We have a number of small painting projects underway at the church building. Thanks to all those who have already given of their time and energy to renew our space! If you are able and willing to help us with some small painting projects around the building, please contact our warden, Terese H. to let her know your availability, we particularly hope to have a small group during the week 905-627-1424


The deadline for the Autumn/Thanksgiving newsletter is August 15th. Please submit your news items/reflections/photos, etc. to Peter D. via the office before then, so we can get the newsletter out on time.


From the cowardice that dares not face new truth,

From the laziness that is contented with half truth,

From the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth,

Good Lord deliver me.

Prayer from Kenya

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