SERVICES AND GATHERINGS THIS WEEK SUNDAY, April 30, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. 4th Sunday of Easter We hope to see you in person. If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: stjamesdundas.ca or the St. James Facebook page. WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 8.30 p.m. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel. May 7th – Bake Sale After 10 am Church Service Proceeds support the accessibility door project All bakers please contact Terese H. via the office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com Fundscrip Gift Cards! Buy $100, Get $100 Next order date: *This Sunday* April 30th for pick-up on May 7th Order forms can be accessed by clicking FundScrip icon on our home page. You can also drop off or email order forms to the church office.
Buy cards at face value, get face value at the retailers! 2 Shop As Usual With cards from over 230 leading retailers, there's no need to change your shopping habits 3 Pay With Gift Cards Pay with gift cards instead of credit/debit/cash for your everyday items & gifts 4 Raise Funds Each purchase automatically includes a donation for St. James that quickly adds up over time **Newcomer Family News** Drivers are required for various appointments! Thank you to all of the volunteers thus far. As the newcomer family continues to settle into life in Canada they require: A laptop (4 yrs or newer). The children like games, building materials, puzzles, and art supplies. Feel free to donate any of these items from home. Please do not buy things at this time. Questions may be directed to: Anne W. or Lynn D. via the church office 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
‘Peace by Chocolate’ Last call for tickets this week!! Sunday APRIL 30th The Westdale Theatre ~ 2pm and 4pm ~ Tickets $15.00 ‘Peace by Chocolate’ products will be available for purchase at the show along with baklava and home-made candy made by former refugee families and friends of St. James.

St. James is supporting the Mission to Seafarers again this spring.
While you are cleaning out cupboards, we would appreciate gently used men’s clothing. There will be a box outside the back door from
Sunday April 23rd to May 14th.
Many thanks from Terese H. and Sue C.
Climate Justice!
Podcast: The Bible & Climate Change
Well worth a ½ hour of your time…
And, a link for ideas on what YOU can do to make a difference:

Please note that Canon Leslie will be away from May 2nd to May 12th. For pastoral emergencies please contact the office or Canon Peter Davison.
April 30 - Peace By Chocolate at THE WESTDALE – 2pm & 4pm
April 30 - Fundscrip Orders are due!!
May 7 - Bake Sale!
May 13 - Curbside pick-up for plant orders
Find out more about upcoming events at
Saint James on our website: www.stjamesdundas.ca
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