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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 25 April 2021



Innovation, change, adaptability, modification, malleability … all of these terms can be associated with the parish of St. James in the past few months. Certainly, for most of us, we have not experienced a period of time like we have since March 13, 2020. For many, this has been a difficult time of adjustment – to lack of social opportunities, to workplace changes and to stringencies associated with our traditional celebratory and change of life occasions.

We have been sailing uncharted waters during these times … but leadership abounds. From our “new” priest, Mike Deed, to the building committee, parish council, and past and current wardens … and from many within the parish … we would indeed be floundering without your leadership.

From a financial perspective, many have taken up the challenge. Both envelope subscribers and parishioner transfers are above budget – YEAH!!! This is great support from everyone! Many have responded with new ways to bring in needed finances. Some examples include:

  • the Easter novelties – an idea from Lil S. which was implemented by Anne W. and MANY others and raised nearly $1000;

  • the on-going on-line ‘sale’ of items from parishioners under the leadership of Lynn D.;

  • the poetry reading held recently, organized by Lynn D.;

  • the impending auction (when we can actually DO it!);

  • flower sale with the assistance of Jill R., Barry S. and Frank R.;

  • generous donations from individuals for specific projects.

All of these have had an impact on our finances; in addition, we have been the recipient of almost $5000 from the federal government’s Wage Subsidy program.

Expenses have been less in some areas (e.g. snowplowing), but we have had a “rash” of building issues that caught us off guard. Some of these unexpected expenses involved major maintenance (thank goodness it wasn’t “repair”) to the boiler – close to $7000, pest control (almost $5000) and roof repairs, alarm system and electrical upgrades.

As stewards of the building, we will be working towards new LED lighting fixtures which will save us money over the next few years by reducing our hydro bills. This initiative, along with upgrades to our sound system to accommodate broadcasting of services, and new signage, will be part of our “Making it Happen” program which you will be hearing about in detail over the next few weeks.


On Sundays, we start our worship by lighting a Candle of hope with a prayer. This past Sunday Mike has invited us all to light a candle, perhaps in our window, for all to see, and join in this prayer:

God you are light and in you is no darkness at all.

Shine the light of your Resurrection life upon our weary world:

Give to us the light of patience,

Give to us the light of strength,

Give to us the light of hope.

Give to those in our hospitals the light of knowing they are not alone;

To our doctors and nurses, the light of encouragement and the knowledge

that they are supported, loved and held in our hearts and our prayers with gratitude.

Give to those who are sick the light of your healing touch,

And give to all who are fearful the light of your comfort.

Give to us all the light of love for our neighbour

That transforms the way we live, in care for each other.

This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the light of the world.



Join us on Thursday 10am to 11am to catch up, share stories and news and enjoy the fellowship of being the church. This week you can find the Zoom meeting here:

Meeting ID: 890 3592 4658 Passcode: 006771


This week’s podcast is a reflection from on Jesus the Good Shepherd and can be heard here:


Thanks to all those who supported our recent poetry reading by gloria fern. A special thanks to Lynn D. who organized the event. It was a moving and beautiful hour of poetry and story telling that raised over $200 for Saint James.


For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:

Monday 25th April Mark 1.1-15 (Feast of Saint Mark)

Tuesday John 10.22-30

Wednesday John 12.44-50

Thursday John 13.16-20

Friday John 14.1-7

Saturday John 14.6-14 (Feast of St Philip and St James)

Sunday John 15.1-8

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