SUNDAY, January 28, 2024 – 10:00 a.m. – Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and
the order of service please visit St. James at: stjamesdundas.ca or the St. James
Facebook page.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 9:15 p.m. Note the time change for the next 5 weeks!Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
The office is open Tuesday to Friday from 10am – 2pm
Tuesday Evening Prayer 6:15 p.m - Now on Zoom!
For the duration of the winter, the Tuesday evening prayer group will meet online via Zoom. If you would like to join, please email the office by 1pm Tuesdays b to receive the Zoom meeting link. The meeting is a combination of prayer and discussion of a passage from scripture.
KNITTING GROUP – Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks and love of creating in wool to the Parlour every second Wednesday from 1:30 – 3:30 pm.
Have you considered serving on Parish Council?! Speak with a parish council member if you are curious.
YOU can make a difference here!
The Chosen – Season 2 (a dramatic series) begins again this WEDNESDAY.
Wednesdays at 10am. There will be weekly viewings of this Series. We will watch an episode, (each is approx. one hour) and discuss our thoughts and feelings for about 1/2 an hour after each episode. This story is based on the life and times of Jesus through words from the gospels and through the eyes and lives of the disciples and those who were close to Jesus.

Thank you to everyone who supported St. James through the Fundscrip gift card program last year.
The next order date is February 4th!! See homepage for order form.
Association of Dundas Churches (ADC)
The ADC has been in existence for over 50 years providing spiritual care and support for the needs of the community. They collaborate with various community groups to bring many needed programmes into Dundas (such as Meals on Wheels, Dundas Food Bank, Ellen Osler Home, Dundas Community Services, EcoWHam and others). Each church provides 2 representatives. If you are interested in being an ADC representative, please speak to Leslie.
13th Annual Community Winter Coat and Boot Drive
Expanded to include blankets and sleeping bags until MARCH 2024.
Please place clothing in the containers by the parking lot door of the church.
Items go to churches and agencies in Hamilton where they can be easily accessed by people who need them.
Please keep those winter coats, boots, blankets and sleeping bags coming in!
Since late October, approximately 150 coats and lots of the other items and more, have been delivered to social service agencies in Hamilton. Thank you.
Easter Newsletter
Lent and Easter are approaching, and so is the next edition of the
St. James newsletter, Belonging. If you would like to make a contribution of an article, reflection, or photograph (with people identified!), please send it to stjamesdundas@outlook.com
MONDAY AFTERNOON GAMES – First and third Monday of the month from 1.30-4pm, in the Parlour. Next game day February 5th. Everyone is invited to participate, ladies or gentlemen.
January 28 Birthday Cake Sunday & Newcomers Potluck lunch
February 5 Games & Fellowship in the Parlour
February 11 Church Bake Sale
February 13 Pancake Supper 5-7pm
February 14 Ash Wednesday
February 18 Arabic Bake Sale
February 20 Pre-Vestry - 7:30pm
February 25 Vestry – immediately following the service
Birthday Cake Sunday