Parish Questionnaire
Attached to this post is a special questionnaire on clergy role expectations which forms an important part of the work of the Parochial Committee. This is an important document and we are asking all members of the parish to complete and return by February 7.
Please read it carefully before you begin, paying particular attention to the instructions. We encourage each member of your household to complete one, including youth and older children. If possible, with younger children, please speak with them about it and incorporate, as much as you can, their thoughts and feelings as well.
The questionnaire is completely anonymous.
Thank You!!
Once completed, you can:
scan and email back to the office
mail it in the regular post
drop it off in the church mailbox at the ramp door (the door nearest the parlour) - there is a mailbox at that door
call the office we will pick it up
employ the nearest carrier pigeon you can find......
We want to make this as easy as possible....
Please call the office and leave a message if you have concerns or questions 905-627-1424
The questionnaire has been sent in two formats and please let the office know if you are having difficulty opening them.
The mailing address is:
St, James Church
137 Melville St.
Dundas, ON L9H 2A6
SUNDAY - Until we hear differently, the Sunday service will continue to be on-line at 10.00 a.m. To view the January 30, 2022 Service you'll need to follow the link below.
For the service sheet: will be posted on website homepage later this week
A link will be posted every week on Facebook and our website - stjamesdundas.ca
TUESDAY – BIBLE STUDY Please join Peter Wall for a Tuesday morning service of Morning Prayer and Bible Study at 10:00 A link is included below, and the Order of Service is attached to this email. Contact the office before 9am Tuesday for the link.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE - Compline is a short service of night prayer, part of the Daily Office or Liturgy of the Hours that has structured the prayer life of the church for many centuries. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture (usually one or two sentences in length), intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Technology has provided us with the means to share this ancient office. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook as a way to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
THURSDAY - Our coffee hour occurs on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee!
Contact the office before 9am Thursday for the link.
Soon, you will receive your income tax receipt for your donations to the church in 2021.
Accompanying your receipt will be a short form asking you to update your contact information – telephone number(s), especially cell phone number(s), and e-mail address. Of course, this information will be kept for office use only and your participation is voluntary. We had a number of situations in 2021 in which we felt the need to contact people (or their families) quickly … and realized that we did not have the proper information available. If you are comfortable with this, you may also include contact information just in case we have an emergency and need to contact a relative or friend.
The next proposed date is Friday, February 11th. Calls would be made to place orders between 6 and 8pm Please will you give Jill a call if you are able to participate in this venture— 905-627-1424 or stjamesdundas@outlook.com
Ideas that have done well in the past are biscuits, muffins, squares, soups, meatballs, cabbage rolls, macaroni cheese. Further suggestions would be happily considered.
Contact the office before February 5th.
Many thanks for your help,
NOW HERE’S A FUN(D)RAISER THAT WILL WARM YOU UP! … and the timing matches the Friday Food Fair.
Bean Ladies Soup and Chili Sale
The Bean Ladies fundraising program will benefit St. James and the people we sell to in a Healthy Way, selling soups and chili. The Bean Ladies sell to us at their wholesale cost allowing us to sell at $8.50 a package, no tax, for the Soup and Chili, (this is less than what is listed on-line & you do not pay any shipping costs which are $15.00).
www.beanladies.com Go to the Web site and look at the soup and chili recipes. Ask your family and friends if they would like to put in an order. Decide which soups and chilies you want and contact the office with your order:
You may place an order Feb. 11 during the Food Fair hours, 6 – 8 p.m…..or until February 14th (for the Bean Ladies Soups and Chilies ONLY).
Soups and chilis will be available after February 18 for pick-up or delivery.
Payments by e-transfer to saintjamesgiving@gmail.com (preferred) or cash at pick up or delivery.
The family recipe soups are prepackaged with beans, lentils and spices.
A favourite is the Lentil Soup - easy and quick to make, adding 1c. of chopped carrots and l c. of onions, ready within an hour. The package makes 8 c. of soup.
Another easy soup is the Pea Soup. The soups freeze well for individual or group meals.
The dried soups keep well so that they are readily available.
The Advent wreath holder needs some repair. Does anyone have a soldering iron to re-attach one of the candle bases. Please let the office know and we can deliver it to you. No rush – not needed again until November!! Thanks! 905-627-1424
Preparations are under way - Easter novelties being knitted to sell as a fundraiser for the ministries of St. James. If you would like to help with knitting, sewing, stuffing, packaging, promo, etc. for these delightful bunnies baskets, chicks please contact the office 905-627-1424. Every little bit helps!.
One of the strengths of St. James is its involvement in a variety of social justice causes. Our church is working with the Climate Action Team of the Association of Dundas Churches. You might be interested in viewing this webinar on Wednesday evening.
On Wednesday, January 26 at 7pm the next Conservation Matters webinar will explore how AIMCo, a Canadian Crown corporation that manages Alberta's public sector pensions and other public funds, is pouring money into destructive projects across the country. AIMCo is driving efforts to pave over the Ancaster Wetland as well as the ongoing attempt to force the CGL pipeline through the traditional territory of the Wet'suwet'en First Nation, risking the pristine Wedzin Kwa river. You can take part in this webinar by clicking on this following link RSVP for this webinar now!
The Jill Award is presented at Vestry to an adult who has successfully encouraged their tweens or teens to take a role in the church. If you would like to nominate an adult, please contact the church office for the form to submit. The closing date for nominations is February 3, 2022.
As an example, Carleon Hardie was a previous award winner based on the involvement of her daughter in church activities.