SUNDAY, November 27, 2022 – 10.00 a.m. FIRST ADVENT! Choral Eucharist with Children’s Program. We hope to see you in person, but if you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: or the St. James Facebook page.
Also, on the 27th is the Celebration of New Ministry (also known as an Induction or Covenanting Service) at 4pm. Reception to follow in the Dundas Room.
WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE – 8:30 pm. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.
Giving altar flowers for a Sunday service is a special way to remember a loved one, give thanks for the blessings in your life, and brighten the lives of “shut-ins” and parishioners who are unwell.
Please consider providing flowers at an upcoming service over the next few months. For more information, please contact the office 905-627-1424 or
The KNITTING GROUP has started up AGAIN every second Wednesday at 1.30 in the Parlour. The next gathering is WEDNESDAY, November 30th. If you would like to learn, of would like some fellowship, or would like to join with the knitters for the most obvious reason – to knit – please contact Pam Daniels at 905-536-3438.
As you know, St. James collects used eyeglasses and stamps for those in need in the developing world. The glasses are distributed to those who need them and stamps support the Leprosy Mission in Canada. So far this year, everyone has been very generous and we've received over 80 pairs of glasses . We deliver our donation of glasses by mid-December, thus, if you're able to bring any further pairs to Church before then, this will be much appreciated.
Dave Archbell is now taking orders for his 2023 Birds of Ontario calendars. The 2022 version was a smash success; everyone was in awe of the professionalism that Dave has acquired in the last few years in terms of his photographic expertise. A portion of the funds raised (after costs to produce) will go to the Jean Archbell Memorial Fund which was set up to assist refugees coming to Canada, particularly from troubled areas in “the Middle East”. The calendar is the same “style” as last year – 8 ½’ x 11” with small numbers in the day boxes to allow for appointments and notes.
Calendars are $25 and will be available in mid-November. Contact the office for more information
905-627-1424 or
ADOPT A FAMILY – Only two more weeks!
The tree is up in the Narthex! As you are able, please take a card from the tree or a donation envelope from the table beside the tree and return it by December 4th! This year St. Matthew’s House suggests a food voucher for each family in the amount of $150 to $200. Colourful bags are made from donated material to use for the gifts. These are taken directly to St. Matthews House drop off center. Stocking stuffers are also included in the Christmas bags.
Items currently required include:
*Cloth to make the Christmas bags.
*Volunteers to make the Christmas bags.
*Stocking stuffers
*Donations toward food vouchers
You can also read the posted St. Matthews house flyer in the narthex explaining other ways to help working directly with agency
For more information, please contact
Jackie D. or Carleon H. through the office 905-627-1424 or
We already have some coats in the stage area … and some blankets … but many more are needed once the cold weather gets here.
The Holiday House Tour is 12 days away!!
There are few events that bring together the parish family of St. James in such a meaningful and spirit-lifting manner. Many, many thanks to those of you who have already put in so much effort and time to bring back the Holiday House Tour for its 46th edition! And tickets – tell your friends – are available ONLINE and at the outlets on the poster. Let’s come together, celebrate and welcome the Christmas season.
November 27th at 4pm – Celebration of New Ministry Covenanting Service at St. James. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend this covenanting service followed by a light reception in the Dundas Room. Your prayers and presence are greatly appreciated!
Tuesdays in Advent: Organ Recital Series -Nov. 29, Dec 6, 13 and 20 from 12:15 to 12:50. A recital every Tuesday in Advent. Admission $8. Treat yourself to inspirational music by gifted musicians over lunchtime. (see poster below for details)
Wednesdays in Advent: November 30, December 7, 14, 21 from 7-8pm
Advent Quiet Service in the Sanctuary/Narthex
A time to pause, nurture your relationship with God, reflect and pray together.
December 3rd – Holiday House Tour
December 4th at 6:30pm – Community Advent Prayer Walk in the Dundas Driving Park sponsored by the ADC (Association of Dundas Churches). A re-telling of the Christmas story, songs, prayers, refreshments and fun. Please plan to attend!
AND, if you would like to take part as a character from the story, as a reader or greeter please be in touch with Norma C., Anne W. or Canon Leslie. (see poster below for details)
December 18 – Christmas Pageant during the 10am service.
December 24 - Christmas Eve – There will be two services:
4.00 p.m. – An interactive Eucharist service with young children in mind
9.00 p.m. – A traditional Christmas Service with Choral Eucharist.