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PARISH NEWS - 21 November 2023



SUNDAY, November 26, 2023 – 10:00 a.m. – Reign of Christ Sunday

If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and

the order of service please visit St. James at: or the St. James

Facebook page.


WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE 9.30 p.m. Note: the time change for the next 3 weeksCompline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel.


Tuesday Evening Prayer 6:15 p.m.

All are welcome to pray in the sanctuary on Tuesday evenings from 6:15 to 7:00 pm. The gathering is informal, starting with a short scripture reading then silent or spoken prayers by all. Bring what's on your heart that needs prayer.  



10am – 2pm Tuesday through Friday


KNITTING GROUP – Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks and love of creating in wool to the Parlour every second Wednesday from 1:30 – 3:30 pm. The next knitting session is November 22.



Indoor meals at St. James will take place every 4th and 5th Monday. 

Doors open at 5:30. Dinner is served at 6pm.


MONDAY AFTERNOON GAMES – First and third Monday of the month from 1.30-4pm, in the Parlour. Next game day December 4th. Everyone is invited to participate, ladies or gentlemen.


Message from St. James' Holiday House Tour Committee

Tickets for the Holiday House Tour are now on sale and may be purchased online at the St. James website, at the church office, or at a ticket outlet.   Full information is on the St. James' website.  

With less than three weeks to go until Saturday December 2nd, there are many ways that you can assist to have a sell-out event! 

·         Buy tickets for yourselves, family and friends.

·         Tell your friends about the House Tour.  The House Tour survey shows that most

           people learn  about the House Tour through someone else.  

·         More musicians are still needed to perform at the  houses on the tour and at the church.  

·         Share St. James' House Tour postings on Facebook. 

·         Contact the office if you would like a printed  poster for your club, workplace or favourite

          hang- out.  

·         Add your name to the volunteer sign-up sheets in the Narthex. Tea-pourers, kitchen help,

            putting  up and taking down tables and chairs are still needed.  

·         The Dickens Lane Artisan Showcase opens at 11:00 am at the church. Admission is

            free. What a great opportunity to shop for Christmas, jams and preserves, and buy apple

             pies and Christmas cookies.   

Questions?  Contact the House Tour Chair, Gillian via the office 905-627-1424


Dundas Room Roof Replacement

Stay tuned for an important announcement this Sunday and in the next e-blast

The flat roof over the Dundas Room has now been replaced with a NEW roof! The cost was approximately $32,000.   

So far $17,000 has been generously donated.  

There is a special art sale, featuring pieces by Wayne Allan! Wayne‘s art collages can be viewed during office hours: Tues – Fri 10am - 2pm.

All pieces are $100.00, mounted and ready for framing.

All sales support the Roof Project.


ORDER YOUR GIFT CARDS FROM ST. JAMES for all those everyday purchases. Everyone benefits!

Last Order date of the year: Sunday December 10th

Gift Card pick up on Sunday December 17th 

Order forms are on the home page – Drop off or email to the church office

St. James has earned $1900.00 from Fundscrip this year!

Imagine if everyone ordered cards through the church!

This year, all profits will support the accessible-door project.


The Chosen – Season 2 (a dramatic series)

Continuing Wednesday at 10am. There will be weekly viewings of this Series. We will watch an episode, (each is approx. one hour) and discuss our thoughts and feelings for about 1/2 an hour after each episode. This story is based on the life and times of Jesus through words from the gospels and through the eyes and lives of the disciples and those who were close to Jesus.


St. James’ Gallery

November Artists

Photographers: Rick McKenzie, Rolph King and Colin Williams

Gallery times: 10am-2pm Tues – Thurs.


Association of Dundas Churches (ADC)

The ADC has been in existence for over 50 years providing spiritual care and support for the needs of the community and collaborates with various community groups to bring many needed programmes into Dundas (such as Meals on Wheels, Dundas Food Bank, Ellen Osler Home, Dundas Community Services and EcoWHam and others). Each church can provide 2 representatives. Presently, Norma C. and Anne W. are representatives for St. James and Norma is the president as well. The ADC regularly meets the 4th Thursday of the month, and the next meeting is Thursday, November 23, at 1pm in the parlour at St. James. Everyone is welcome to attend. If you are interested in being an ADC representative please speak to Leslie.  


'Singing out' to future Choir Members 

Choir Rehearsals are Thursdays at 7:30 pm. We are actively recruiting new members for all sections of the Choir (SATB). It would be helpful to be able to read music. There is an urgent need for an increase of 2 Altos, 2 Tenors and 3 Basses. Please remember, those who sing in a Choir always have a parking spot and sit in some of the best seats in the building. Great comradery from being in a close-knit team of people who love to sing.

If you are interested in joining the Choir, or know of someone who loves to sing and is interested in joining the Choir please contact Richard, Organist and Choir Director via the office 905-627-1424 or


13th Annual Community Winter Coat and Boot Drive

Expanded to include blankets and sleeping bags OCTOBER 16TH to MARCH 2024.

Please place clothing in the containers by the parking lot door of the church.

Items go to churches and agencies in Hamilton where they can be easily accessed by people who need them.


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS for the Advent / Christmas newsletter!!

It's time to start preparing the Advent and Christmas newsletter. It is scheduled to be sent out prior to the start of Advent. All submissions are gratefully received, and are requested on or before November 21.  Is there anyone in the congregation willing to write a reflection about either Advent or Christmas? If so, please let Dana know via the office 905-627-1424 or


Holiday Hope

(Formerly Adopt a Family)

We have the opportunity to bring joy, excitement, and the real meaning of Christmas to children in need. More than ever, children in our community need to know people care about them.

St. James, again, is joining St. Matthews House’s Christmas Holiday Hope Program (formerly Adopt a Family). Each family we “adopt” as a congregation will receive two gifts for each child (a gift of clothing and a toy) and a $200.00 grocery gift card.


Donate material or volunteer to sew some Christmas bags. 

Donate money. Please put your money in the Adopt a Family envelopes available at the church OR send a cheque or e transfer to St. James and indicate on the memo line that it is for the Holiday Hope Program.

Take a star or card from the tree and buy a present or stocking stuffer. Attach the card to the present, do not wrap, and deliver to the church on or before Dec. 3rd. Ask one of the team members if you attend church virtually and they will help you choose a child to adopt and can assist with delivering the gift.

Volunteer to sort presents Dec. 10th. You will work as a team. Instructions and light food will be provided. Contact us via the office 905-627-1424 or



 Annual Collection of Stamps for The Leprosy Mission Canada

St. James for many years has provided annual financial support to this international charity which raises funds in support of medical treatment, education and rehabilitation for those suffering from the debilitating, painful disease of Leprosy which continues to plague people in the developing world. Church members have been faithfully contributing their used stamps. The collection is mailed every December to the Markham office of Leprosy Canada. The stamps are sold to stamp dealers who pay $10 per pound. In recent years, it has cost almost twice as much in postage as would have been raised by selling our stamps, thus this effort has not been cost-effective. Consequently, our stamp collection program will end on December 31, 2023 and everyone is encouraged to bring in any final donations by then for our final submission early in the new year. Your ongoing support and efforts in collecting your stamps over so many years has been very much appreciated. St. James is committed to continuing to provide some annual funding to The Leprosy Mission Canada and the Corporation will be discussing more effective, alternative ways of raising funds for them. We are advised that it costs just $100 to cure someone suffering from Leprosy! If you have questions, contact diana via the office.




An online survey, along with a fact sheet detailing the potential campaign priorities, is available at





November 26                        House Tour Greeter’s orientation following worship


November 28                        Advent Organ Recital 12:15pm


December 2                          House Tour


December 5                          Advent Organ Recital 12:15pm


December 10                        ADC Advent Walk in the Park at 6pm


December 12                        Advent Organ Recital 12:15pm


December 16                        Advent Labyrinth Walk (Dundas Room) 10am -12pm


December 17                        Lessons & Carols 4:00pm


December 19                        Advent Organ Recital 12:15pm


December 24                        Advent 4 - 10am 

                                                Christmas Eve Children’s service with pageant – 4pm

                                                Christmas Eve Choral Eucharist – 9pm


December 25                        Christmas Day Eucharist – 10am









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©2023 by St. James Anglican Dundas. 

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