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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 2 August 2020



Please pray this week for Alice Cannon and Rev. Canon Ruth Jefferson and their families and friends as they celebrate their lives and trust them to the arms of God.

May they rest in peace, and rise in glory. Amen.


Sunday worship continues on the Diocesan facebook page at 10am.

You can find the Diocesan Facebook page here:


Put your feet up and enjoy a coffee with one of your wardens on Wednesday for our ZOOM coffee hour.  This is your opportunity to get information about and provide some feedback to the most recent mailings from the parish office.

Topic: St. James Coffee Hour

Time: Aug 5, 2020 10:00 AM America/Toronto

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 0284 4436

All are welcome. If you have trouble setting up the technology, contact Robert Morrow for assistance!


Cezanne, Monet, Emily Carr, Tom Thomson ... if you think you have that kind of ability ... wait ... even if you have only heard of these folk ... we can use your help! This summer, Don and Sue Wallace and Wayne Dickson (and others) have been keeping the “outward appearances” of our church building looking top notch. But we also have a few areas inside that need some special attention with a paintbrush. Nothing too strenuous ... just careful application of some nice paint for the “ramp area” and the newly decorated youth room.

If you can spare a few hours, Mark Mainprize would like your help. Please contact the office 905-627-1424 or Mark has been doing lots of “prep” work inside, but sure could use a few extra hands to get this work completed before (all going well) we open our building in the fall.


Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:


Compline continues to be live cast on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights via our facebook page:


For those who keep their pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:                

Monday 3rd August     Matthew 14.13-21     

Tuesday                         Matthew 14.22-36*

Wednesday                  Matthew 15.21-28

Thursday                      Luke 9.28-36 (Feast of the Transfiguration)

Friday                             Matthew 16.24-28

Saturday                       Matthew 17.14-20

Sunday                          Matthew 14.22-33*

*Not a mistake- the same reading occurs twice this week!


Bless those who mourn

the death of relative or friend

and feel that with this loss

their lives are incomplete.

Bless those who mourn,

and fill these empty hearts

with pleasant memories,

the sound of laughter,

sunshine and happier days.

Bless those who mourn,

and heal their brokenness 

with the soothing balm

of your gentle touch, 

that they might know

shalom, wholeness, peace.

Author Unknown 

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