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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 19th September 2021


Reminder - Please remember to reserve a space either via the website or by phoning the parish office – this makes the process much more efficient for the greeters. As we move towards more people, it is important for us to get a good picture of the numbers in advance. Before coming to church, please self-screen and stay home if you feel ill. Those coming to worship will need to wear a mask at all times and sit at least 3 seats away from anyone not in their ‘bubble’. Following the service, people are asked to leave the building as orderly and quickly as possible to allow for the cleaning to take place. It’s sort of like herding cats! Tough to modify that sociability element in the parish!

If you cannot attend in person you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link is provided on the parish Facebook site and website. Many thanks to Frank Rinaldo for his dedicated commitment in assisting with the broadcast of the service.

Until further notice from the Diocese, the church is closed except for our Sunday Service. Please note that during the rest of the week, while the staff are keeping office hours, others will still need an appointment to enter the building.


On September 15th … and then for the majority of the Family of St. James … yesterday … we welcomed our new Interim Priest, The Very Reverend Peter Wall. Dean Peter has just recently retired as Dean of the Cathedral and in even more recent time, has completed an Interim placement in the Niagara Peninsula; he can add “experienced Interim” to his bio! Peter has connections with the parish, of course, in his roles at the Diocese, but also had family who attended St. James in the past. Pat Wall and David Caulfield and their daughters, Jane and Sarah. We are blessed to be the recipients of Peter’s experience and “connections” in the Diocese. Please welcome Peter when you have the opportunity.


Compline is a short service of night prayer, part of the Daily Office or Liturgy of the Hours that has structured the prayer life of the church for many centuries. As we get ready to sleep, this ancient service calls us to rest in God. Like all of the offices, the heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture (usually one or two sentences in length), intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Technology has provided us with the means to share this ancient office. Since the onset of the pandemic and the initial lockdown, Compline has been offered by St. James’ through Facebook as a way to bring the community together. We continue to pray Compline live every Wednesday at 8:30 pm. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel. Everyone is invited.


The Bishop has enacted a policy to increase the protection and safety of our parishioners, clergy, employees and all whom we serve. You can view the two-page document on the Diocesan website [] This new measure builds on the current protections in place, all of which seek to reduce the potential for the transmission of COVID-19 in our buildings and other ministry settings. Basically, it provides the following until the end of October to be fully vaccinated:

  • All clergy, licensed lay workers, diocesan staff;

  • All liturgical leaders – musicians, vocalists, readers, intercessors, servers, communion assistants;

  • Wardens;

  • Greeters, ushers and sidespeople;

  • All those ministering to children, youth, young adults, marginalized or vulnerable populations, including food security and other outreach ministries.

Those so involved in the parish will be contacted and asked to share (in confidence) their record of vaccination with one person in the office designated for this task.

Worshippers are also strongly encouraged to be vaccinated, living into our Gospel call to love our neighbour and care for the most vulnerable among us, although this will not be required. We will continue to welcome all in the name of Christ.


October 3rd is St. Francis of Assisi Sunday and traditionally it is the day to have pets blessed. Please feel free to bring your favourite non-human family member to church to receive a blessing (leashes and carriers please).


November 6th …. November 6th …. November 6th – put this date in your “date-book”, electronic calendar or write it down on a piece of paper and attach to whatever is nearby (priests and churchwardens excluded). We will be hosting a marvellous “East Coast Kitchen Party” at the SHED in Dundas. Watch for upcoming information about this amazing evening of entertainment, food and … FUN!


Food Sale … October 15. Since this has proved to be a popular event, we are doing a repeat. Please let Auntie Jill know whether you are able to contribute in any way. Further ideas are always welcome. Soups, biscuits, squares, muffins, pasta salads, cabbage rolls, meatballs, macaroni and cheese, bread, casseroles have always been well received. Call or email the office 905-627-1424


Many thanks to those organizing the sale of chrysanthemums (yikes, I even spelled that right the first time!) …. And also to those who bought and picked theirs up on Saturday. Another good fundraiser for the church. More than $620 in net proceeds for St. James.


Our coffee hour this Thursday will take place on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee! Coffee Hour will be hosted by Peter D.

Meeting ID: 693 269 0932

Use either the link or Zoom ID but you don't need to do both, and no password is needed – the host will let you in.


MILK BAGS - outer plastic Milk Bags (clean) which are then up-cycled. Please see Carleon Hardie for more information.

POSTAGE STAMPS and EYEGLASSES - used postage stamps for the leprosy mission and used eyeglasses for medical mission. Please speak to Diana S. for more information.

BATTERIES - We have a box in the narthex to collect used batteries for recycling.

FOOD BANK DONATIONS - We have a new collection point in the narthex with labelled drawers for donations to local food banks. We regularly need pasta, baby food and other baby care essentials, toiletries and hygiene products, jam and peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruit and canned vegetables. Please speak to Terese H. for more information.


Big thanks to Terese H. for leading the way in getting the Dundas Room in such good shape. It will be a nice visual for those people coming to vote today. The room has been of great value to us during the pandemic [if you sat down, there was a good chance that Lynn D. would put a price tag on you to raise money for us !].


Note that there will be a Food Drive in Dundas this coming Saturday. Additional information regarding volunteering can be acquired by called Dundas Community Services (905 – 627 – 5461) or the Salvation Army (905 – 627 – 0572). This is a short, labour intensive project from 10 – 2 on Saturday. Donations and volunteers are greatly needed.


Father of all,

We give you thanks and praise … that when we were still far off,

You met us in your Son and brought us home.

Dying and living, he declared your love, gave us grace and opened the gate of glory.

May we who receive Christ’s presence live his risen life and bring life to others,

And may we whom the Spirit lights, give light to the world.

Keep us firm I the hope you have set before us,

So, we, and all your children, shall be free,

And the whole Earth live to praise your name;

Through Christ our Lord,


Adapted from Common Worship, Church of England, Holy Communion, Order One

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