With the new stay-at-home order in place, and with direction from our Bishop, please note that the church building is not open for any reason excepting provision of the community dinner and essential access for worship, maintenance or inspections.
Donations can be made via e-transfer using the email saintjamesgiving@gmail.com or via mail. Alternatively, if you are out for a walk, envelopes can be dropped into the mail slot at the church (at the front ramp-entrance double doors). Messages and emails will be checked regularly.
Our Sunday worship will be posted on YouTube Sunday afternoon for those who do not want to watch via Facebook. Find the link on the front page of our website or here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpBVIgpUTAyuYWBKylcmbVQ
We produce a weekly podcast to support our Bible study at home. You can hear this week’s podcast here:
Please remember that our weekly service sheet as well as one-click links to our podcast, Facebook page and YouTube channel are on the front page of our website www.stjamesdundas.ca
Thank you to everyone who came to our budget briefing on Saturday 16th on Zoom. It was a really helpful meeting where encouragement, ideas and generosity was shared. With the budget having been reviewed by parish council and this congregational meeting we now have a draft to present to Vestry. All Vestry documents will be emailed and available on our website at the beginning of February.
Our Vestry meeting will be held on ZOOM at 11am on Sunday 14th February 2021. More information will be shared in the coming weeks. A call for nominations will be sent out later this week. Nominations and notice of new business must be sent to the chair prior to the start of the meeting.
Every Thursday morning at 10am there’s a chance to catch up, share news and fellowship with other members of our Church community via ZOOM. All are welcome to join. This Thursday 21st join via the link below:
Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827
Passcode: 448066
Articles for the next Newsletter should be sent to Peter Davison by Sunday 31st January 2021.
For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 18th January Matthew 6.13-19
Tuesday Mark 2.23-38
Wednesday Mark 3.1-6
Thursday Mark 3.7-12
Friday Mark 3.13-19
Saturday John 8.51-59
Sunday Mark 1.14-20
A Litany for Rest
God of wind and rain Help us find our rest in you
God of earthquake and fire Help us find our rest in you
God of thunder and lightening Help us find our rest in you
God of mountain and valley, Help us find our rest in you
God of ocean and brook Help us find our rest in you
God of burning stars and coldest space Help us find our rest in you
God of endless time, before and beyond Help us find our rest in you
God of the still small voice Help us find our rest in you
God of the butterflies wings God of the glistening dew drop God of the flickering flame God of the deepest silence Help us find our rest in you
By Mike Deed