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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 15 August 2021

Updated: Aug 23, 2021


We are preparing to reopen for ‘in-person’ worship on Sunday 22nd August 2021 at 10am.

The online booking is available to start reserving space for that service.

Please remember to reserve a space either via the website or by phoning the parish office. Before coming to church, please self-screen and stay home if you feel ill. Those coming to worship will need to wear a mask at all times and sit at least 3 seats away from anyone not in their ‘bubble’. Please note that during the rest of the week, while the staff are keeping office hours, others will still need an appointment to enter the building. If you cannot attend in person you will also be able to “tune in” and watch, engage and enjoy the service, beginning at 10 a.m. on YouTube. The link will be provided on the parish Facebook site, our website and here


To support phase two of ‘Making It Happen’ we are excited to be holding a raffle. Tickets are $20 or 3 for $50 and are available from Jan Southall and our sales team. Our aim is to sell 300 tickets in the next 6 weeks. If 50 parishioners each sold (NOT buy) 6 tickets – we would reach our goal! TICKETS at the church office this Wed or Thurs. 10-12 am.


We have been blessed with the availability of two familiar faces for this one-month period before The Very Reverend Peter Wall assumes his duties as our Interim Priest in the middle of September. For the first two weeks, The Reverend Canon Peter Davison will again help us with both liturgy and pastoral emergencies. Then, for the first two weeks of September, another familiar face to us at St. James, The Reverend Sue Nicolls, will be returning. We welcome both as we start into the re-opening process on the 22nd of August.

NEW EBLAST DELIVERY: I have been having problems sending emails to parishioners who have Cogeco emails. Often these emails are not delivered as Cogeco sees them as spam. To ensure that everyone receives their emails, I will be switching us over to Mailchimp which is a group mailing programme. I will send a test email out on Wednesday. If you notice you are not receiving your weekly eblast please let me know as I may have typed your email address incorrectly when changing over the eblast list. Thanks for your patience ~ Nyle


Beautiful Chrysanthemums (9 ½” pot) $10.00 each or 3 for $28.00

Order today for pickup at the Church on Saturday, September 18th 11 am to 1 pm.

Orders must be submitted by September 2nd.

Available Colour Choices: Red, Orange, Yellow, Pink/Purple or White

To order please send an email to:

Please ensure you include your name, phone number and quantity of each colour selected.

You will receive a confirmation email with payment and pickup instructions.


As we prepare to re-enter the building, there are some good habits to get back into:


We are still collecting the outer plastic Milk Bags (clean) which are then up-cycled. Please see Carleon H. for more information.


We continue to collect used postage stamps for the leprosy mission and used eyeglasses for medical mission. Please speak to Diana S. for more information.


We have a box in the narthex to collect used batteries for recycling.


We have a new collection point in the narthex with labelled drawers for donations to local food banks. We regularly need pasta, baby food and other baby care essentials, toiletries and hygiene products, jam and peanut butter, canned meats, canned fruit and canned vegetables. Please speak to Terese Herron for more information.


Saturday September 11th, starts at 10 am.

Tickets are $25 per person.

Masks and social distancing to be observed

This special tour will be guided by Stan Nowak, experienced and well known for his informative and enjoyable tours of historic Dundas. To register or for more information contact the office 905-627-1424


Our coffee hour this Thursday will take place on Zoom at 10am.

Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour.

Bring your own coffee! Coffee Hour will be hosted by Peter D.

Meeting ID: 693 269 0932

Use either the link or Zoom ID but you don't need to do both, and no password needed.


To pray is to regain a sense of the mystery that animates all beings, the divine margin in all attainments. Prayer is our humble answer to the inconceivable surprise of living. It is all we can offer in return. Who is worthy to be present at the constant unfolding of time? Here we are amidst the meditation of the land, the songs of the water, the humility of the flowers --- flowers wiser than all alphabets Suddenly we feel embarrassed, ashamed of our complaints and clashes in the face of tacit glory. How strange we are in the world! Only one response can maintain us: gratefulness for the gift of our unearned chance to serve, to wonder, to love life and each other. It is gratefulness which makes our small souls great.

By Abraham Joshua Heschel - rabbi, scholar, and philosopher

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