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PARISH NEWS - 14 March 2022



SUNDAY – a reminder that people need to register for services; also note that the order of services are provided on the website and on Facebook. website -

TUESDAY – BIBLE STUDY - For Lent is taking the form of Book Study. Peter Wall is communicating directly with book readers - please get in touch with Peter if you want to join in.

TUESDAY – now here’s an indication that we might be getting back to some level of normalcy … if you think of Body and Soul as being “normal”, that is….

We are BACK! Body and soul will start with some walkaround-type exercises at “ten-ish” (10.00 a.m.) in the Dundas Room, followed by an informative session at 10.30 and finishing up at 11.30. Sorry, no food or drink to be prepared in the kitchen as yet. Despite the limitations, it will be nice to get back together for fellowship, gossip, sharing and caring.

WEDNESDAY – COMPLINE - Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. The service is also available on St. James’ Facebook channel.

THURSDAY - Our coffee hour occurs on Zoom at 10am. Join us to chat and enjoy one another’s company for an hour. Bring your own coffee!

Contact the office for the link.


On Sunday the 20th, we hope to have as many of the members of Corporation and Parish Council attend the regular Sunday morning service so that they can be installed.


The March video is available in the Prayerground playlist on the St. James YouTube Channel. The YouTube link is ….

and from the Prayerground Team:

Hello Children and Families♥️

What exciting news! We are opening up! Just in time for Spring!

The process will be gradual, as families feel ready to return to in

person worship.

We are going to set up the upstairs PrayerGround, with books, toys

and creative activities, to keep the children engaged. Our plan is to be

ready to go on Sunday, March 27th!

The infant area will be open, with limited toys, for families to spend

time with their babies, in play. All infant toys will be collected and

disinfected after service.

For families, who would prefer to have their children remain with them

in their seats, there are a number of activities in sealer bags, in the

Narthex, ready to be enjoyed. (Please return at the end of service.)

We will offer individual snacks and drinks, to prevent any cross


Looking forward to being with you our Church Family again!

If you have any questions, please contact the office 905-627-1424


The Climate Justice Team hopes you can take a few minutes to undertake an environmental action every day of Lent. Each week in the e-blast there will be a simple, achievable, implementable and climate-friendly daily suggestion on how to tread more carefully in our beautiful world. Thanks for caring.




March 15

Beware … the Ides of March! Buy bars of soap for the bathroom or refill soap dispersers. Ditto for detergent and shampoo.


March 16

Go through your junk mail …. Might take all day … and write to companies asking them to take you off their mailing list


March 17

Sure and begorrah, ‘tis St. Patrick’s Day … and the colour of the day is ….. GREEN. Wear green today and do something that will create a greener Earth.


March 18

Purchase some glass containers to use at home instead of relying on plastic bags and clingwrap.


March 19

Clean out the fridge (yuch!) and add a container of bicarbonate of soda to freshen up the inside … and eat up those leftovers.


March 20

Celebrate the first day of spring by gathering at St. James for the 10.00 service and let’s remember that …’to everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under Heaven’ …. We can hear you singing already!


March 21

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. Pray for all those who experience any form of discrimination.


March 22

World Water Day. This year the focus is on Groundwater. Consider sending support to the Wellington Water Watchers.


What? You don’t think we can start to plan for summer camp as we clean up from the latest snowfall????? [this week should be better … hang in there}

Prior to the pandemic, St. James had a long history of sponsoring children from the downtown core selected by St. Matthews House to go to Canterbury Hills Summer Camp. (if you know of a local child who would benefit from this project you can submit their name) The late Bev Hattersley was very involved in the development of this project. For some of these children it was the first time they had ever been outside of the downtown core of Hamilton. It was for them what would have been an otherwise impossible experience, a week at camp and a summer holiday. Some years when our fundraising efforts have been very successful, we were able to buy some new clothes for the children we sent to camp. I remember when we told one mother what would happen for her child, she wept. A five-day experience at Canterbury Hills costs $470. If you are interested in donating to this project, please send an

e-transfer to the church ( or submit a cheque, payable to St. James with “camp fund” indicated. Let's give some children an experience they will not forget. If you have questions, please contact Lynn D. via the office 905-627-1424


MARCH 20, 27 and APRIL 3 10.00 am Eucharist

APRIL 10 – PALM SUNDAY 10.00 am Blessing and Distribution of Palm Crosses, Dramatic Reading of the Passion, and Eucharist

HOLY WEEK ….. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday … Compline at 8.30 pm (in church)

MAUNDY THURSDAY 7.30 pm Commemoration of the Last Supper with Footwashing and Tenebrae - a service characterized by gradual extinguishing of candles, and by a "strepitus" or "loud noise" taking place near the end of the service.

GOOD FRIDAY 11.00 am THE WAY OF THE CROSS with Veneration of the Cross, and Holy Communion from the Reserved Sacrament followed by Hot Cross Buns

HOLY SATURDAY 9.00 pm Easter Vigil, with Lighting of the New Fire, Renewal of Baptismal Vows, and First Eucharist of Easter


8.00 am Early Morning Easter Eucharist with Hymns

10.00 am FESTIVAL EUCHARIST and Renewal of Baptismal Vows

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