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PARISH NEWS - 13 December 2022



WEDNESDAY, December 14th – 7.00 p.m. ADVENT QUIET PRAYERS. Gather in the sanctuary for a time of prayer and quiet reflection.

SUNDAY, December 18, 2022 – 10.00 a.m. FOURTH ADVENT! Choral Eucharist with Children’s PAGEANT. We hope to see you in person. If you are unable to attend, the service is live streamed. For links to the service and the order of service please visit St. James at: or the St. James Facebook page.


For the month of December compline will pause and resume on January 4th at 8:30pm. Compline is a short service of night prayer. The heart of Compline is the recitation of several psalms. There is a short reading from scripture, intercession, and time for reflection. It is a beautiful way to close out an active day. Compline is offered by St. James’ through Facebook to bring the community together. If you cannot join live, the service is available afterwards on St. James’ Facebook channel. THANK YOU!!

VESTRY REPORTS Vestry is in a couple of months so this is a reminder that before things get too busy during the Advent season, please forward all Vestry reports to the office by December 31st 2022.


If you have receipts that are intended for reimbursement for the 2022 tax year, please have them in to the office no later than Friday December 23rd at noon. All donations should be delivered by December 28th to make sure that they are recorded for 2022 tax receipts.


There are fantastic on-line resources available this Advent Season. Here are a couple that you may wish to use in your daily prayers and reflections. The PWRDF resource is especially good for families with young children in mind!


This Thursday and Friday (December 15th and 16th) the floors in the Dundas Room, kitchen and hallway are going to be cleaned and waxed. If you need to come into the church, please use the front doors (where the ramp is) and go around the back of the offices to Leslie’s office door near the vestry to avoid going over the floor. Thank you!

Bird Calendar

Dave Archbell is now taking orders for his 2023 Birds of Ontario calendars. The 2022 version was a smash success; everyone was in awe of the professionalism that Dave has acquired in the last few years in terms of his photographic expertise. A portion of the funds raised (after costs to produce) will go to the Jean Archbell Memorial Fund which was set up to assist refugees coming to Canada, particularly from troubled areas in “the Middle East”. The calendar is the same “style” as last year – 8 ½’ x 11” with small numbers in the day boxes to allow for appointments and notes.

Calendars are $25. Please e-transfer the funds directly to Dave Archbell using Don’t forget to include your name and address in the message box.

Christmas at Ellen Osler Home

Are you able to help to bring Christmas cheer to the fifteen women who live at the Ellen Osler Home, or in one of the Ellen Osler apartments? The request is for new pajamas. Details on size, colour, and style, plus delivery date etc., is on cards posted in the narthex. Please take a card and leave your name for tracking and follow up. To help with this project or for more information, please chat with Anne Washington.

Many thanks for participating and/or pondering and praying for the women who are preparing to return to the community after incarceration in federal prison.


As you know, St. James collects used eyeglasses and stamps for those in need in the developing world. The glasses are distributed to those who need them and stamps support the Leprosy Mission in Canada. So far this year, everyone has been very generous and we've received over 80 pairs of glasses. We deliver our donation of glasses by mid-December, thus, if you're able to bring any further pairs to Church before then, this will be much appreciated.

Inspired by Sunday’s homily, Victoria B. wrote the following poem!!

Joy The feeling of joy, what a beautiful, wonderful thing When we feel it, may our gratitude be so great as to sing While moments of happiness come & go as they may Moments of pure joy can never be taken away Even when the moment & circumstances have passed In our memories, the joy will last & last In days ahead, when we speak of it again The joy will still be there, just the same as then So all those fleeting moments, let them come & go Treasure the times of joy that the heart will forever know

By: Victoria B. (our resident poet)


Tuesdays in Advent: Organ Recital Series – Dec 13 and 20 from 12:15 to 12:50. A recital every Tuesday in Advent. Admission $8. Treat yourself to inspirational music by gifted musicians over lunchtime. Tea, coffee and cookies included!

Wednesdays in Advent: December 14, 21 from 7-8pm

Advent Quiet Service in the Sanctuary/Narthex

A time to pause, nurture your relationship with God, reflect and pray together.

December 18 – Christmas Pageant during the 10am service.

- Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at 4pm.

December 24 - Christmas Eve – There will be two services:

4.00 p.m. – An interactive Eucharist service with young children in mind

9.00 p.m. – A traditional Christmas Service with Choral Eucharist

December 25 – Christmas Day 10:00am Christmas Eucharist

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