As these months of distancing and closure continue we are particularly concerned for those who do not have access to our online ministry. We are grateful to all those who manage our ‘phone tree’ to keep connected. Please take time to reach out to those you know in our congregation, just to say ‘hi’. Please pass on to your ‘phone tree’ contact any ideas you have that might help us stay better connected through the summer months and beyond.
Sunday worship with Bishop Susan continues at 10am via the Diocesan Facebook page in a shorter format for the summer.
If you are on facebook you can find the Diocesan page here:
And the later upload to Youtube is here:
Our weekly podcast can be heard by clicking on the link on the front page of our website or by visiting our channel on sound cloud:
Every Tuesday Richard Hansen and Mike will present ‘With a Song in my heart’ via video on our Facebook and Youtube channels- we’re now presenting songs that have meant a lot to members of our congregation- thanks to all who sent in their suggestions.
You can find our youtube channel here:
Through the summer, Mike will live-stream Compline Tuesday-Thursday at 8pm on our Facebook page.
For those wishing to say Compline on their own on Monday and Friday there is a specially created video on our Facebook page and youtube channel- which you can pause and mute to pray in your own time at your own pace.
You can find the Monday video here:
You can find the Friday video here:
This Wednesday 15th July 2020 at 10am, join us for online ZOOM coffee hour.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 0575 7834
Password: 041856
Work is beginning on the replacement of the floor in our worship space, so that when we get to re-enter our building we will do so with a clean, renewed space. Huge thanks to every person who is donating towards the cost of this floor. The flooring is just one of the many maintenance challenges our building poses and with thanks to a significant designated donation, we have taken this opportunity to deal with this challenge, understanding that we may not have the financial resources to undertake large projects for some time.
We understand that not everyone can make a donation at this time, and we are so grateful for the ongoing generousity of our congregation in this difficult time, but if you would like to do so, you can drop off an offering envelope or cheque at the church, or give via credit card through our website (remember to write in the memo line or note section that the donation is for the floor). Please also remember to write alongside your donation if you are giving it in memory of someone. You can view the wardens update on the flooring here:
Thanks to a generous donation last year we have managed to patch the holes in the parking lot to make access to our building safer and easier. We are deeply grateful for the designated donation that helped us do this!
In our initial plan for 2020 we had planned to hold a town hall meeting in June to review our finances at the half-way point. The wardens will be sending out a financial update to the parish in the coming weeks.
Each week our email blast lists daily readings for the week for those who want to take some time each day to reflect on the scriptures. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 13th July Matthew 10.34 -11.1
Tuesday Matthew 11.20-24
Wednesday Matthew 11.25-27
Thursday Matthew 11.28-30
Friday Matthew 12.1-8
Saturday Matthew 12.14-21
Sunday Matthew 13.24-30, 36-43 (Join Bishop Susan on Sunday at 10am)
A Prayer by Saint Jerome
O Lord, you have given us your word for a light to shine upon our path;
grant us so to meditate on that word, and follow its teaching,
that we may find in it the light that shines more and more until the perfect day. Amen.