A huge thank you to those who organized and volunteered to run our food fair and phone auction this past weekend. We raised over $800 on the Food Fair on Friday and are deeply grateful. We’ll share the totals of the online Auction when the money has come in and we know how much we made. Fundraising to keep our church afloat during this pandemic has been challenging and hard work and we give thanks to the volunteers who make it all happen!
Hamilton is going to be taking in up to 250,000 more citizens in the next 30 years and wants input on where to house them all. The easy answer is to just pave more farmland and green space and increase our urban boundary. Environmental groups know this would be a disaster! We need to be protecting green space at all costs and on top of that, Hamilton has many acres of underused, abandoned, and brown space sitting unused within the existing boundary. It would be more work to make these spaces liveable but many feel the extra effort would result in more walkable communities and be better for our Earth all around. We were all sent surveys but they tended to look just like all the other junk that arrives in our mail but we can have our voice heard by following the link below! There are 3 options, to increase the urban boundary, not to increase it, and to offer other suggestions. The deadline for submission is July 23rd.
If you are able and willing to help us with some small painting projects around the building, please contact our warden, Terese H. to let her know your availability. Call the office 905-627-1424. We particularly hope to have a small group during the week. We are very thankful to those who were able to volunteer this past Saturday to begin painting the choir room.
The deadline for the Autumn/Thanksgiving newsletter is August 15th. Please submit your news items/reflections/photos, etc. to Peter D. through the office stjamesdundas@outlook.com before then, so we can get the newsletter out on time.
We are hoping that, provincial and Diocesan guidelines permitting, we will be able to gather again for in-person worship starting on Sunday 12th September 2021. We anticipate we will still need to limit numbers, wear masks and observe distancing at that time. More information will be shared as we get closer to that time.
Our weekly Coffee hour continues each week on Zoom, a chance to connect with others in our parish community.
We meet at 10am on Thursday morning.
All are welcome to join us via Zoom:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 893 5637 9105
Passcode: 293604
EFM What do I believe? Is it alright to have questions? What is my purpose in life?
Is there a safe place for me to share my faith journey?
Education for Ministry (EfM) recognises that all of us have gifts for ministry, and offers a small-group weekly seminar where you can explore your faith and its many implications for your life.
You will study the Bible, Church History, Interfaith relations & Christian ethics, and practise Theological Reflection.
The St. James group meets on Monday evenings from 7.00-9.00 pm from September to May, with
Peter D. & Carleon H. as mentors.
A Franciscan Blessing
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half-truths and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.
May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression and exploitation of people, so that you may wish for justice freedom and peace.
May God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done. Amen.
By S. Claiborne and J. Wilson-Hargrove on page 71 of ‘Common Prayer, A Liturgy for Ordinary Radicals’