This coming Sunday 18th April we are pleased to host a special poetry reading by poet and author gloria fern via Zoom in aid of St. James. Tickets are $10 and you can book a ticket online via our website and pay online via e-transfer or credit card or by cheque payable to St James Church. Please note on your cheque or online payment that it is for the poetry reading. Ticket holders will receive a ZOOM link the week before the event.
see the events page
A NOTE ABOUT GIVING Thank you to everyone who continues to give financially to Saint James through these long months and uncertain times. It is important to remember, when giving online, that in the ‘note’ section of an e-transfer or credit card payment to put your name and PURPOSE of your donation (ticket, givings, auction etc.) so that the money is correctly allocated and those needing a reply (e.g. ticket) receive it. Please also note that giving via credit card, while available on the giving page of our website, is subject to a fee of 10%-15%, so the church doesn’t receive your whole donation; e-transfer is always preferred.
Find more information on giving here:
Coffee hour is a time each week to connect with one another, to chat, offer support, share stories and be together as God’s church in friendship. All are welcome to join us via Zoom:
Topic: Coffee Hour
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827
Passcode: 448066
For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:
Monday 12th April John 3.1-8
Tuesday John 3.7-15
Wednesday John 3.16-21
Thursday John 3.31-36
Friday John 6.1-15
Saturday John 6.16-21
Sunday Luke 24.36-48
Lord God, we thank you for all the good things of your providing
and we pray for the time when people everywhere
shall have the abundant life of your will,
revealed to us in Jesus Christ your Son, our Lord. Amen.
Bishop George Appleton (1902-1993)
A Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Life of The Duke of Edinburgh
God of eternal life and love we give thanks for the life and witness of Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, for his service in pursuit of peace as a naval officer, for his service to the Queen as a wise counsellor and companion, for his commitment in marriage for over seventy years in witness to mutual respect and love, for his commitment to nurturing family and guiding with wisdom their growth and development, for his encouragement of young people around the world to skill development, physical health, adventure, and service through the Duke of Edinburgh Award, for his care and advocacy for all of creation for a life lived selflessly in service to others. We remember with thanksgiving and commit him into Your keeping this day in the sure and certain hope of resurrection to eternal life. May he rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen.