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Parish News: Blog2

PARISH NEWS - 3 January 2020


  • Mike will lead compline this Wednesday evening at 8pm live on our Facebook page.

  • We will live stream our Sunday service on Facebook at 9.30am.


All the children will receive their Prayerground bags this week. The accompanying video with story, craft and prayer can be found on our Facebook page and on YouTube.


So far we have collected over 300 winter coats!

Our appeal runs until the end of February. Please take a moment to see if you have a winter coat you could donate to those who need to stay warm in Hamilton this winter. When you call friends or family, please ask them also. Donations of winter coats can be left in the box at the parking lot entrance to the church.


At the parking lot entrance to the church you will find a box for donations of the bags in which you might buy bags of milk. Please ensure the bags you donate are clean and dry. These bags can be reused and recycled. Please contact the office for more information 905-627-1424


We continue to ask for donations of books, all books are welcome but especially first edition, folio, old and rare copies. Please leave donations in bags or boxes by the parking lot door to the church.

Attached to this email you will find a list of books for sale. Please contact the office for further details on how to purchase a title. Cash, Cheques, E-transfer accepted. 905-627-1424


We are intending to hold another ‘Phone Auction in the early Spring. If you are able to donate any item suitable for an auction it would be gratefully received. Contact the office for more information. 905-627-1424


Coffee Hour continues this Thursday (New Year’s Eve) at 10am. All are welcome for a time to chat together and enjoy our community.

Meeting ID: 871 4881 4827

Passcode: 448066


Vestry will take place on Sunday 14th February 2021 at 11am and will happen online via ZOOM.

Zoom is a video-conference program that many of us have been using over this time when we have been unable to gather. It also allows people to ‘phone in’ to the meeting, so everyone can take part if they wish to.

To help the vestry meeting go more smoothly there will be a pre-vestry meeting (and practice run) on Zoom on January 16th at 1pm, to allow us all to hear a budget update and ask questions at this point in time.

If you are unfamiliar with Zoom you can go to and sign up / create an account and download the program to your computer. Closer to the time we’ll send out a zoom link/ details and phone number as well as some guidelines to how the process will work. In the mean time if you need help setting up Zoom please speak to our warden Robert Morrow.


For those who wish to keep a pattern of daily Bible readings and reflections, the Bible readings for this coming week are below. The suggested readings are the Gospel reading appointed in the daily lectionary for the celebration of the Eucharist. This week:

Monday 4th January John 1.35-42

Tuesday John 1.43-51

Wednesday Matthew 2.1-12 (Feast of the Epiphany)

Thursday Matthew 4.12-17, 23-25

Friday Mark 6.30-44

Saturday Mark 6.45-52

Sunday Mark 1.4-11 (Baptism of the Lord)


God of all good gifts, who gives freely to us, have mercy on us and grant us the peace that only the Prince of Peace can provide.

Grant that our lives would be an offering, and that our work would be a good gift, just as the gifts that the magi brought, pleasing to you and fit for the king of all creation.

We look to you, our Prophet, Priest and King, to rule the world with justice, and to give salvation to all who call upon you. Amen

~ written by Thomas Turner, and posted on Everyday Liturgy.

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